tagged [castle-windsor]

Castle Windsor can't find installers in assemblies

Castle Windsor can't find installers in assemblies I have code in my global.axax: ``` protected void Application_Start() { WindsorContainer = new WindsorContainer(); WindsorContainer.Install(FromA...

How can I unit test my controller to make sure Windsor can resolve dependencies when using PerWebRequestLifestyle

How can I unit test my controller to make sure Windsor can resolve dependencies when using PerWebRequestLifestyle I have the following unit test in my application: ``` [TestMethod] public void Winds...

24 Apr at 18:49

Castle Windsor - Do I have to release singleton or non-disposable transient objects?

Castle Windsor - Do I have to release singleton or non-disposable transient objects? The [Castle wiki](http://stw.castleproject.org/Windsor.Release-Policy.ashx) says at several places I should ALWAYS ...

26 Jul at 11:2

IoC - Multiple implementations support for a single interface

IoC - Multiple implementations support for a single interface I am wondering why .Net IoC containers do not easily support multiple implementations for a single interface! May be I am wrong, but as fa...

How can I pass a runtime parameter to a previously registered factory method using castle windsor?

How can I pass a runtime parameter to a previously registered factory method using castle windsor? I have a reporting MVC application that uses Castle Windsor. On application start up (in global.asax)...

22 Sep at 16:39

Dependency Injection for Handlers and Filters in ASP.NET Web API

Dependency Injection for Handlers and Filters in ASP.NET Web API I am trying to wire up my Web Api project to use Castle Windsor for IoC I have done that for my controllers by following [this excellen...

Why is my Castle Windsor controller factory's GetControllerInstance() being called with a null value?

Why is my Castle Windsor controller factory's GetControllerInstance() being called with a null value? I am using Castle Windsor to manage controller instances (among other things). My controller facto...

16 Sep at 19:7

Castle.Windsor lifestyle depending on context?

Castle.Windsor lifestyle depending on context? I have a web application where many components are registered using `.LifestylePerWebRequest()`, now I've decided to implement , a .NET job scheduling li...

How to Inject Log4Net ILog implementations using Unity 2.0

How to Inject Log4Net ILog implementations using Unity 2.0 Ultimately this has to do with setting up log4Net but generically the problem is not logging specific. Generically what I am trying to figur...

Castle Windsor: is there a way of validating registration without a resolve call?

Castle Windsor: is there a way of validating registration without a resolve call? My current understanding of Castle Windsor registration is that one can only validate registration by calling Resolve ...

8 Dec at 16:40

Webforms and Dependency Injection

Webforms and Dependency Injection I am in the process of introducing a Dependency Injection framework into an existing WebForms application (using Castle Windsor). I have pretty deep experience with ...

What should be the strategy of unit testing when using IoC?

What should be the strategy of unit testing when using IoC? After all what I have read about Dependency Injection and IoC I have decided to try to use Windsor Container within our application (it's a ...

Multiple Decorator pattern in castle-windsor

Multiple Decorator pattern in castle-windsor We are in the process of redesigning some legacy software to be more testable and have decided upon Dependency-Injection and Castle.Windsor to help us. Fir...

Specifying instance for registration of a component with Castle Windsor

Specifying instance for registration of a component with Castle Windsor I have what is probably a simple question here about Castle Windsor, which I haven't been using for very long. I'm trying to reg...

Usage of IoC Containers; specifically Windsor

Usage of IoC Containers; specifically Windsor I think the answer to this question is so obivous that noone has bothered writing about this, but its late and I really can't get my head around this. I'v...

Castle Windsor - multiple implementation of an interface

Castle Windsor - multiple implementation of an interface While registering components in Castle Windsor, how do we bind specific implementation of an interface to a component that has a dependency on ...

Using AutoMapper.Profile for creating an instance(non-static) mapper

Using AutoMapper.Profile for creating an instance(non-static) mapper I use the following method as described in the following answer to create an instance of a mapper: ``` var platformSpecificRegistry...

Castle Windsor - How to map Named instance in constructor injection

Castle Windsor - How to map Named instance in constructor injection maybe this is easy, but searching it on the internet already give me a head ache here is the problem: ``` interface IValidator { v...

4 Jul at 11:6

Dependency Injection and Class Inheritance

Dependency Injection and Class Inheritance I feel like this is something I should already know, but I'm just not firing on all engines today... I have a base class with a single ctor that takes an imp...

IoC: Castle Windsor and WebAPI

IoC: Castle Windsor and WebAPI I have an MVC4 site using Castle Windsor that I want to add some WebAPI calls to, so I start digging around a little bit on the interwebs. Now I don't know the ins and o...

Can Castle.Windsor do automatic resolution of concrete types

Can Castle.Windsor do automatic resolution of concrete types We are evaluating IoC containers for C# projects, and both Unity and Castle.Windsor are standing out. One thing that I like about Unity (NI...

PooledRedisClientManager not releasing connections

PooledRedisClientManager not releasing connections I am storing lists of json data in redis and accessing it using the ServiceStack c# client. I am essentially managing my own foreign keys, where I st...

25 Jul at 08:28

Registering 'half-closed' generic component

Registering 'half-closed' generic component I have two interfaces: An example of a closed implementation of IQueryHandler: ``` public class EventBookingsHandler : IQueryHandler> { pr

ServiceStack self-hosted application with per-request lifetime scope

ServiceStack self-hosted application with per-request lifetime scope Working with ServiceStack I've stuck with the problem of objects lifetime management in self-hosted web application. 1. Need of per...

Lock when IEnumerable resolving in ServiceStack project

Lock when IEnumerable resolving in ServiceStack project I have some project which use ServiceStack. I have strange problem with resolving IEnumerable. I have six services implement some logic and one ...