tagged [binding]

Is there a way to debug the ModelBinding?

Is there a way to debug the ModelBinding? I am using ServiceStack and am having difficulty with one of my Request DTOs. One of the properties of type `int` is always coming through as `0` even though ...

15 Apr at 12:5

WPF Binding a ListBox to an enum, displaying the Description Attribute

WPF Binding a ListBox to an enum, displaying the Description Attribute Is it possible to use the ObjectDataProvider method to bind a ListBox to an enum, and style it somehow to display the Description...

21 Oct at 09:11

Conditional element in xaml depending on the binding content

Conditional element in xaml depending on the binding content Is it possible to display this TextBlock, only if the `Address.Length > 0` ? I'd like to do this directly into the xaml, I know I could put...

6 Aug at 16:3

Binding a Button's visibility to a bool value in ViewModel

Binding a Button's visibility to a bool value in ViewModel How do I bind the visibility of a button to a bool value in my ViewModel?

30 Dec at 19:56

DataContext and binding self as RelativeSource

DataContext and binding self as RelativeSource Can someone explain me the following XAML line? [Here](http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/wpf-tutorial-using-the-listview-part-1#comment-11832) the...

14 Sep at 19:13

Xamarin Forms ListView ItemTapped/ItemSelected Command Binding on XAML

Xamarin Forms ListView ItemTapped/ItemSelected Command Binding on XAML How can I bind a ICommand object from my ViewModel (currently in BindingContext) to the ItemTapped or ItemSelected from a ListVie...

17 Jul at 00:23

Anyone know of a set of C# bindings for FFMPEG?

Anyone know of a set of C# bindings for FFMPEG? Does anyone know of a set of bindings for C# to drive the FFMpeg library directly ? I could shell to ffmpeg.exe directly but I found it hard to sync/con...

7 Nov at 01:47

Binding ComboBox SelectedItem using MVVM

Binding ComboBox SelectedItem using MVVM I have a problem with the in my . ![Here is anything ok](https://i.stack.imgur.com

3 Feb at 23:17

How to set the DataSource of a DataGrid in WPF?

How to set the DataSource of a DataGrid in WPF? I need to set a table from a database to be the DataSource of a GridGrid in WPF. In Windows Forms the property is called `DataSource` but in WPF no such...

8 Jan at 11:44

WPF ListView Binding ItemsSource in XAML

WPF ListView Binding ItemsSource in XAML I have a simple XAML page with a ListView on it defined like this ```

14 Dec at 10:6

Is it possible to bind a List to a ListView in WinForms?

Is it possible to bind a List to a ListView in WinForms? I'd like to bind a ListView to a `List`. I'm using this code: I'm getting this exception: I don't know how I should bind if the Items property ...

9 May at 20:12

Any solution to Illegal Cross Thread Operation exception?

Any solution to Illegal Cross Thread Operation exception? When you data bind in C#, the thread that changes the data causes the control to change too. But if this thread is not the one on which the co...

22 Dec at 19:5

How Do I Get the Selected DataRow in a DataGridView?

How Do I Get the Selected DataRow in a DataGridView? I have a DataTable bound to a DataGridView. I have FullRowSelect enabled in the DGV. Is there a way to get the selected row as a DataRow so that I ...

ASP MVC.NET - how to bind KeyValuePair?

ASP MVC.NET - how to bind KeyValuePair? Is it possible to bind such kind of property? I've tried to use following code in the view, but it does not work:

22 Sep at 19:58

ASP.NET MVC Model Binder for Generic Type

ASP.NET MVC Model Binder for Generic Type Is it possible to create a model binder for a generic type? For example, if I have a type Is there any way to create a custom model binder that will work for ...

28 Sep at 13:24

How to Bind BlackoutDates in WPF Toolkit Calendar control?

How to Bind BlackoutDates in WPF Toolkit Calendar control? I'd like to bind a list of dates to the BlackoutDates property but it doesn't really seem to possible. Especially in a MVVM scenario. Has any...

19 Jul at 17:53

C# - Disable Dynamic Keyword

C# - Disable Dynamic Keyword Is there any way to disable the use of the "dynamic" keyword in .net 4? I thought the Code Analysis feature of VS2010 might have a rule to fail the build if the dynamic k...

WPF - Is it possible to negate the result of a data binding expression?

WPF - Is it possible to negate the result of a data binding expression? I know this works fine: ...but what I really want to do is negate the result of the binding expression similar to below (psuedoc...

31 Aug at 17:37

Which language has the best Git API Bindings?

Which language has the best Git API Bindings? I am looking at building an application with heavy ties to git.. Are there language bindings available and if so which are the most comprehensive? Would i...

31 Aug at 17:13

WPF Binding - Default value for empty string

WPF Binding - Default value for empty string Is there a standard way to set a default or fallback value for a WPF binding if the bound string is empty? The `FallbackValue` only seems to kick in when `...

10 Aug at 08:51

How do I properly add a prefix (or suffix) to databinding in XAML?

How do I properly add a prefix (or suffix) to databinding in XAML? How do I databind a single TextBlock to say "Hi, Jeremiah"? Looking for an elegant solution. What is out there? I'm trying to stay aw...

20 Apr at 21:35

WPF Binding order how to ensure one property binds before another

WPF Binding order how to ensure one property binds before another The problem I have is that binding happens before Mode property is being set when I use this control in a data template of a ListView....

5 Oct at 20:41

AngularJS : ng-model binding not updating when changed with jQuery

AngularJS : ng-model binding not updating when changed with jQuery This is my HTML: When I type into the box, the model is updated via the 2-way-binding mechanism. Sweet. when I do this via JQuery... ...

When does WPF subscribe to the PropertyChanged event?

When does WPF subscribe to the PropertyChanged event? I have a `ClassA` with an `ObservableCollection` property, that implements the `INotifyPropertyChanged` interface on my window codebehind I have d...

Binding does not have a Clone method, whats an effective way to copy it

Binding does not have a Clone method, whats an effective way to copy it I wish to copy a binding, this is so i can set a different source property on it without affecting the original binding. Is this...

16 Dec at 00:59