tagged [anonymous-methods]

anonymous delegates in C#

anonymous delegates in C# I can't be the only one getting tired of defining and naming a delegate for just a single call to something that requires a delegate. For example, I wanted to call .Refresh()...

10 Jun at 21:25

Assigning property of anonymous type via anonymous method

Assigning property of anonymous type via anonymous method I am new in the functional side of C#, sorry if the question is lame. Given the following WRONG code: ``` var jobSummaries = from job in jobs ...

C# Cannot use ref or out parameter inside an anonymous method body

C# Cannot use ref or out parameter inside an anonymous method body I'm trying to create a function that can create an Action that increments whatever integer is passed in. However my first attempt is ...

21 Nov at 02:25

Compiler generated incorrect code for anonymous methods [MS BUG FIXED]

Compiler generated incorrect code for anonymous methods [MS BUG FIXED] See the following code: ``` public abstract class Base { public virtual void Foo() where T : class { Console.WriteLine("b...

Convert this delegate to an anonymous method or lambda

Convert this delegate to an anonymous method or lambda I am new to all the anonymous features and need some help. I have gotten the following to work: ``` public void FakeSaveWithMessage(Transaction t...

Anonymous method as parameter to BeginInvoke?

Anonymous method as parameter to BeginInvoke? Why can't you pass an anonymous method as a parameter to the `BeginInvoke` method? I have the following code: ``` private delegate void CfgMnMnuDlg(DIServ...

Why can't c# use inline anonymous lambdas or delegates?

Why can't c# use inline anonymous lambdas or delegates? I hope I worded the title of my question appropriately. In c# I can use lambdas (as delegates), or the older delegate syntax to do this: So why ...

How do you use Func<> and Action<> when designing applications?

How do you use Func and Action when designing applications? All the examples I can find about Func and Action are as in the one below where you see they technically work but I would like to see them u...

Why don't anonymous delegates/lambdas infer types on out/ref parameters?

Why don't anonymous delegates/lambdas infer types on out/ref parameters? Several C# questions on StackOverflow ask how to make anonymous delegates/lambdas with `out` or `ref` parameters. See, for exam...

EventHandlers and Anonymous Delegates / Lambda Expressions

EventHandlers and Anonymous Delegates / Lambda Expressions I'm hoping to clear some things up with anonymous delegates and lambda expressions being used to create a method for event handlers in C#, fo...

Self-invoking anonymous functions

Self-invoking anonymous functions In JavaScript, it's not uncommon to see self-invoking functions: While I'm certainly not comparing the languages, I figured such a construct would be translatable to ...

Creating two delegate instances to the same anonymous method are not equal

Creating two delegate instances to the same anonymous method are not equal Consider the following example code: You would imagine that the two delegate instances would compare to be equal, just as the...

Why Local Functions generate IL different from Anonymous Methods and Lambda Expressions?

Why Local Functions generate IL different from Anonymous Methods and Lambda Expressions? Why the C# 7 Compiler turns Local Functions into methods within the same class where their parent function is. ...

26 Jul at 21:45

Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach?

Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? When using lambda expressions or anonymous methods in C#, we have to be wary of the pitfall. For example: Due to the modified closure, th...

Avoid or embrace C# constructs which break edit-and-continue?

Avoid or embrace C# constructs which break edit-and-continue? I develop and maintain a large (500k+ LOC) WinForms app written in C# 2.0. It's multi-user and is currently deployed on about 15 machines....

Delegates and Lambdas and LINQ, Oh My!

Delegates and Lambdas and LINQ, Oh My! As a fairly junior developer, I'm running into a problem that highlights my lack of experience and the holes in my knowledge. Please excuse me if the preamble he...

Discrete Anonymous methods sharing a class?

Discrete Anonymous methods sharing a class? I was playing a bit with Eric Lippert's `Ref` class from [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2980463/how-do-i-assign-by-reference-to-a-class-field-in...

23 May at 12:7