How do I squash my last N commits together?

asked13 years ago
last updated2 years ago
viewed3.1m times
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How do I squash my last N commits together into one commit?

14 Answers

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

To squash your last N commits into a single commit, you can use the interactive rebase feature in Git. Here's the step-by-step process:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to your Git repository.

  2. Run the following command to start an interactive rebase for the last N commits:

    git rebase -i HEAD~N

    Replace N with the number of commits you want to squash. For example, to squash the last 3 commits, you would use git rebase -i HEAD~3.

  3. This will open a text editor with a list of your last N commits. The commits are listed in reverse chronological order, with the oldest commit at the bottom.

  4. In the text editor, change the word pick to squash (or s for short) for all the commits you want to squash, except the first one. The first commit should remain as pick.

    The file should look something like this:

    pick 1a2b3c4 Commit 1
    squash 5e6f7g8 Commit 2
    squash 9h0i1j2 Commit 3
  5. Save the file and exit the text editor.

  6. Git will now combine the last N commits into a single commit, using the commit message of the first commit. You may be prompted to edit the combined commit message.

  7. Once the rebase is complete, you can push your changes to the remote repository using the following command:

    git push --force-with-lease

    The --force-with-lease option ensures that you don't accidentally overwrite any changes that have been pushed to the remote repository since your last pull.

That's it! Your last N commits have now been squashed into a single commit. Remember that rebasing rewrites the commit history, so you should only use this technique on commits that have not been pushed to a shared repository, to avoid causing issues for other team members.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

To squash your last N commits together into one commit using Git, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or Git Bash.

  2. Navigate to your Git repository.

  3. Run the following command to start an interactive rebase:

    git rebase -i HEAD~N

    Replace N with the number of commits you want to squash. For example, if you want to squash the last 5 commits, use git rebase -i HEAD~5.

  4. This will open an interactive rebase editor in your default text editor. You will see a list of your commits, with the oldest commit at the top and the most recent commit at the bottom.

  5. In the editor, change the word pick to squash (or s for short) for the commits you want to squash. Leave the first commit as pick (this will be the commit into which you squash the others).

    For example, if you want to squash the last 5 commits, your editor might look like this:

    pick a1b2c3d Commit message 1
    squash b2c3d4e Commit message 2
    squash c3d4e5f Commit message 3
    squash d4e5f6g Commit message 4
    squash e5f6g7h Commit message 5
  6. Save the changes and exit the editor.

  7. Git will now open another editor asking you to provide a commit message for the squashed commit. You can modify the commit message as needed.

  8. Save the commit message and exit the editor.

  9. Git will now squash the specified commits into a single commit. Your commit history will be updated accordingly.

Here's an example of what the commands might look like:

# Navigate to your repository
cd /path/to/your/repo

# Start an interactive rebase for the last 5 commits
git rebase -i HEAD~5

# In the editor, modify the commits to be squashed
pick a1b2c3d Commit message 1
squash b2c3d4e Commit message 2
squash c3d4e5f Commit message 3
squash d4e5f6g Commit message 4
squash e5f6g7h Commit message 5

# Save and exit the editor

# Provide a new commit message for the squashed commit
# Save and exit the editor

After following these steps, your last N commits will be squashed into a single commit, and your commit history will be updated to reflect the changes.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

To squash your last N commits into a single commit, you can use the git rebase command with the interactive mode. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open the interactive rebase mode

Run the following command to open the interactive rebase mode for the last N commits:

git rebase -i HEAD~N

Replace N with the number of commits you want to squash. For example, if you want to squash the last 5 commits, use git rebase -i HEAD~5.

  1. Squash the commits

This command will open a text editor with a list of your last N commits. It should look something like this:

pick 1fc6c95 Commit message 1
pick 6b124cb Commit message 2
pick 457dc68 Commit message 3
pick 9af9d3b Commit message 4
pick a0d57d3 Commit message 5

To squash the commits, you need to change the word pick to squash or s for all the commits you want to combine into the first commit, except for the first commit in the list.

For example, if you want to squash the last 4 commits into the first commit, you would modify the list like this:

pick 1fc6c95 Commit message 1
s 6b124cb Commit message 2
s 457dc68 Commit message 3
s 9af9d3b Commit message 4
s a0d57d3 Commit message 5
  1. Save and exit the editor

After making the changes, save the file and exit the editor. Git will combine the commit messages of the squashed commits into a single commit message.

  1. Update the commit message (optional)

If you want to modify the commit message for the squashed commit, Git will open another editor window. Make your changes and save the file.

  1. Force push the changes (if necessary)

If you've already pushed the commits to a remote repository, you'll need to force push the changes after squashing the commits:

git push --force-with-lease

The --force-with-lease option is safer than --force because it will refuse to overwrite any commits that have been added to the remote repository since your last push.

That's it! You've successfully squashed your last N commits into a single commit using the interactive rebase mode in Git.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

To squash the last N commits together, you can use git rebase -i HEAD~N. This command will open an interactive rebase session, allowing you to modify your recent commits. You can then squash the N most recent commits by changing the pick action to "squash" for each of them, and leaving a commit message that combines their changes into one commit.

Here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Run git rebase -i HEAD~N to open an interactive rebase session. This command will show you a list of the last N commits in your branch, along with their hashes and messages.
  2. Locate the pick action for each commit you want to squash. These will be represented as pick or p next to each commit. For each commit you want to squash, change its pick action to "squash" by typing "s" in the second column.
  3. Leave a commit message that summarizes all of the changes from the N commits. This will be used as the new combined commit.
  4. Save and close the interactive rebase session by running git rebase --continue. This will apply your changes to your branch, squashing the last N commits into one.
  5. Verify that your branch has been updated correctly by checking its history using git log. You should see a single commit with all of the changes from the original N commits.

Note that when you squash commits like this, any changes made to tracked files in those commits will be discarded and replaced with the changes from the combined commit. Be sure to carefully review your changes before committing them, and consider using git rebase --interactive to test your changes before applying them to your branch.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

You can squash your last N commits together using git rebase in combination with -i for interactive mode and specifying number of commits (e.g., HEAD~3..HEAD to target the last three commits). Follow these steps:

  1. First, switch to the branch that has your commits (e.g., master) by typing:

    git checkout master

  2. Then execute interactive rebase with a specified range of commits. For squashing last 3 commits together for instance, use command:

    git rebase -i HEAD~3

    This will open up your text editor (default is Vim) displaying the commit history since the third most recent commit to the most recent commit.

  3. Change "pick" on each line of commits you want to squash and replace it with "squash". Save the file by exiting the editor (e.g., in Vim, typing :wq).

  4. You will be asked for a commit message which would be used for your squashed commit. Open the default commit message in your text editor again and save it. The messages of all commits except first one were removed during this step.

  5. Finally, you're done. To push these changes to remote repository, use command:

    git push origin master --force-with-lease

Please be aware that --force-with-lease is used to prevent overwriting work while your branch diverged from the central repo (if applicable). It's better to rebase your feature branch with git pull --rebase origin master, then push it if everything went well. This will ensure that your changes are not lost when fetching upstream/master commits before pushing our own work.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

Sure, I can help you with that! To squash your last N commits into one commit, you can use an interactive rebase in Git. Here are the steps:

  1. First, navigate to your local repository using the command line.

  2. Find the hash of the commit that you want to be the parent of the new squashed commit. You can use git log to see the commit history. Note down the hash of the commit that is N commits before the most recent one.

  3. Start an interactive rebase with the parent of the commit you want to squash into. Use the following command, replacing <commit-hash> with the hash you noted down:

git rebase -i <commit-hash>^

This will open a text editor with a list of commits that will be part of the interactive rebase.

  1. In the text editor, change the word pick to squash for all the commits you want to squash, except for the earliest one (which should remain as pick). Save and close the editor.

  2. A new text editor window will open, allowing you to edit the commit message for the new squashed commit. Save and close this window.

  3. Finally, the rebase will complete, and you'll have a new commit that is the result of squashing the specified commits. You can verify this by running git log.

Here's an example of what the steps might look like:

# Navigate to the repository
$ cd /path/to/repo

# Find the hash of the parent commit
$ git log
commit 1234567   # This is the parent commit
Author: Your Name <>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 15:30:12 2022 -0700

    Fourth commit message

commit 89abcde   # This is the commit to squash
Author: Your Name <>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 15:25:29 2022 -0700

    Third commit message

commit 456defg   # This is the commit to squash
Author: Your Name <>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 15:20:34 2022 -0700

    Second commit message

commit 0123456   # This is the commit to squash
Author: Your Name <>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 15:15:23 2022 -0700

    First commit message

# Start the interactive rebase
$ git rebase -i 1234567^

# In the text editor, change 'pick' to 'squash' for all but the first commit
pick 1234567   # This should remain as 'pick'
squash 89abcde
squash 456defg
squash 0123456

# Save and close the editor

# Edit the commit message for the new squashed commit
# Save and close the editor

# Verify the result
$ git log
commit abcdefg   # This is the new squashed commit
Author: Your Name <>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 15:15:23 2022 -0700

    Combined commit message from squashed commits

This example assumes that you want to squash the last 4 commits. Adjust the number of commits and their hashes as needed for your situation.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

You can do this fairly easily without git rebase or git merge --squash. In this example, we'll squash the last 3 commits.

If you want to write the new commit message from scratch, this suffices:

git reset --soft HEAD~3 &&
git commit

If you want to start editing the new commit message with a concatenation of the existing commit messages (i.e. similar to what a pick/squash/squash/…/squash git rebase -i instruction list would start you with), then you need to extract those messages and pass them to git commit:

git reset --soft HEAD~3 && 
git commit --edit -m"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})"

Both of those methods squash the last three commits into a single new commit in the same way. The soft reset just re-points HEAD to the last commit that you do not want to squash. Neither the index nor the working tree are touched by the soft reset, leaving the index in the desired state for your new commit (i.e. it already has all the changes from the commits that you are about to “throw away”).

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

Use git rebase -i <after-this-commit> and replace "pick" on the second and subsequent commits with "squash" or "fixup", as described in the manual.

In this example, <after-this-commit> is either the SHA1 hash or the relative location from the HEAD of the current branch from which commits are analyzed for the rebase command. For example, if the user wishes to view 5 commits from the current HEAD in the past the command is git rebase -i HEAD~5.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

To squash the last N commits into one commit using Git, you can use an interactive rebase. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. First, find the hash of the commit that is the (N+1)-th parent of the most recent commit (i.e., the first commit in the sequence you want to squash). You can find this by using the log command with the --oneline and --max-parents flags:

    git log HEAD~N --oneline --max-parents=2
  2. Next, start an interactive rebase from that commit (replace <commit-hash> with the actual hash):

    git rebase -i <commit-hash>
  3. In the text editor that opens, change the word pick before each commit message to squash (or s). Save and close the text editor. This will tell Git to combine the commits into one, using the last commit's message as the new combined message.

  4. Git will then open another text editor window, showing you a list of each squashed commit, with the new, combined commit message at the bottom. Edit this message to your liking and save the file.

  5. Finally, Git will apply the commits one by one. Since you used squash instead of pick, they will be combined into one commit. You can check your new commit history with git log.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

To squash multiple commits into one commit in Git, you can use the rebase -i command, followed by the -s option to squish commits. The format of the -i option is:


The -s option tells Git that you want to squash all of your commits into one commit.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

Step 1: Identify the last N commits you want to squash. Use the following command to list your commits in reverse order of creation:

git log -n <number_of_commits>

Replace <number_of_commits> with the number of commits you want to squash.

Step 2: Merge the selected commits into the current branch. Use the following command to merge the identified commits:

git merge --squash <commit_hash>

Replace <commit_hash> with the hash of the commits you want to merge.

Step 3: Resolve any merge conflicts. If conflicts occur, use the following commands to resolve them:

  • Use the git mergetool command to create a merge tool.
  • Use the git rebase command to rebase the branch to resolve conflicts.

Step 4: Commit the merged changes. Once the merge conflicts are resolved, commit the changes to the branch:

git commit -m "Squashed last N commits"

Replace N with the actual number of commits you want to squash.

Step 5: Push the changes to the remote repository. Once the changes are committed, push them to the remote repository:

git push origin <branch_name>

Additional Notes:

  • Squashing commits can be useful for cleaning up your branch and improving code organization.
  • If you have conflicts between different branches, use the --no-ff flag with the git merge command.
  • To undo the squash operation, use the git reset --hard <commit_hash> command.


  • Use a branch other than master for squashing changes.
  • Use a descriptive commit message to explain the changes made.
  • Squashing commits can be a quick and efficient way to manage your codebase.
Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

Sure! The most straightforward way to squash multiple commits into a single commit is to use the git-squash tool. Here's how you can do it:

  1. First, open the command line and type git-squash. This will launch the git-squash tool.
  2. In the window that opens, navigate to the directory where your commits are located by typing a path for it (e.g., "/path/to/directory").
  3. Enter a new commit message containing all of your previous commits. You can also include any changes you've made since those commits if you'd like. For example: git-squash -f /path/to/commits -m 'Updated the codebase to work with Kubernetes'.
  4. Once you've entered your message, run the tool using ./run at the command line:
./run git-squash -f /path/to/directory /dev/null
  1. After that, run git commit, and your commits will be merged together as one commit.

In a Software Development Team of four developers (Alex, Bryan, Chris, and Dave), each one is working on a different component: UI, Backend, Testing, and Code refactoring. They are also responsible for various aspects of the development process such as planning, coding, testing, bug fixing, documentation and release management.

Each developer has their own preferred tool or language. Alex uses Git and prefers to use Ruby; Bryan uses Scrum; Chris is fond of Django; Dave likes Vue.

As the lead developer, you noticed some issues in this team's codebase:

  1. The UI development didn't get planned properly and needs fixing.
  2. There are many bugs in the testing stage.
  3. Documentation could use some improvement.
  4. Code refactoring was not carried out after coding.

However, you were only informed about these issues recently, and now all four developers have their heads down working on other things:

  • Alex is currently writing code for Django;
  • Bryan just released a new module using Scrum;
  • Chris is doing code refactoring with Git;
  • Dave was planning to work on documentation.

Can you help find out what tool and language are used by each developer based on the issues they're dealing with?

Firstly, identify the problems which relate directly to tools:

  • Debugging - testing stage (issues 2 & 4). This suggests that the team is using Scrum or Git for managing these aspects.
  • Code refactoring - Code Refactoring was not carried out after coding (issue 3) - This implies that code refactorings were either not implemented properly or it's being done with a different language than used in coding stage, i.e., Ruby, JavaScript or Vue.
  • Planning and Release Management - UI development didn't get planned properly (Issue 1). The plan usually involves writing the code first before moving to other tasks such as testing or refactoring. Since Bryan released his module with Scrum which is a project management framework not a tool itself, it suggests that coding and planning happened simultaneously.

Secondly, based on step one, use the property of transitivity (if a=b and b=c, then a = c) to establish a match:

  • Chris was using Git for code refactoring which implies that Dave wasn't working with it because he is involved in Documentation, thus, Dave has to be using Vue as Dave loves it.

In the end, use the direct proof logic and proof by exhaustion to confirm our assumption. If Bryan did his module after coding (as implied), then Alex had a part to do planning which matches with his preference for Ruby. Chris's code refactoring and Dave's documentation seem to match up as well:

  • Chris - Git + Django
  • Bryan - Scrum (as he has no tool in the list that can help)
  • Alex - Git + Ruby (which means it cannot be Vue or Scrum since those were used by others)
  • Dave - Vue + Documentation (only left with this combination).


  • Alex is using Git and prefers Ruby.
  • Bryan is using Scrum for managing his project.
  • Chris is using Git with Django in his code refactorings.
  • Dave is using Vue and working on documentation.
Up Vote5Down Vote
Grade: C

Sure, here's how you can squash your last N commits together into one commit:

1. Identify the Commit Hash:

  • Find the commit hash of the Nth commit from the output of git log command.
  • Remember the hash of the commit you want to squash.

2. Create a New Commit:

  • Run git commit -b "Squash Commit" to create a new commit.

3. Add Changes:

  • Use git add to add all changes you want to include in the squash commit.
  • This includes changes from the last N commits.

4. Write Commit Message:

  • Write a concise and descriptive commit message summarizing the changes in the squash commit.
  • Consider mentioning the number of commits being squashed.

5. Commit and Push:

  • Run git commit -m "Squash Commit Message" to commit the changes.
  • Push the changes to your remote repository with git push.


# Assuming you want to squash the last 3 commits:
git log -n 3
# Note down the commit hash of the third commit
git commit -b "Squash Commit"
git add changes.txt
git commit -m "Squash Commit: Added changes to changes.txt from the last 3 commits"
git push

Additional Tips:

  • Use a descriptive commit message: This will make it easier for others to understand what has been changed in the squash commit.
  • Review the changes carefully: Make sure that all changes from the last N commits are included in the squash commit.
  • Test your code: After squashing the commits, test your code to ensure that everything is working as expected.


  • Squashing commits can be useful for reducing the number of commits in a repository, but it is not recommended to squash commits that have already been reviewed and merged by others.
  • If you need to squash commits that have already been reviewed and merged, it is best to create a new branch and cherry-pick the desired commits into it.
Up Vote0Down Vote
Grade: F

To squash your last N commits together into one commit, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory containing your Git repository.
  2. Run the following command to rebase your local branch onto a new base commit:
git rebase -i HEAD~N
  1. This will open a text editor with a list of your last N commits.
  2. Change the "pick" command for each commit you want to squash to "squash".
  3. Save and close the text editor.
  4. Run the following command to squash your commits:
git rebase --continue
  1. This will squash your last N commits into one commit.

You can also use the git squash command to squash your last N commits together. To do this, run the following command:

git squash -s -n N

This command will squash your last N commits into one commit, and will open a text editor so that you can enter a commit message.

Once you have squashed your commits, you can push your changes to your remote repository using the following command:

git push