What is a ProfileService/When is a ProfileService executed?

asked9 months ago
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I've been playing with IdentityServer4. Absolutely love it.

I've been going through the tutorials on your site, specifically https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/en/release/quickstarts/7_javascript_client.html

I have created a Profile Service that does the following:

public class ProfileService : IProfileService
    public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
        context.IssuedClaims.Add(new Claim("test-claim", "test-value"));
        return Task.FromResult(0);

    public Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
        context.IsActive = true;

        return Task.FromResult(0);

This works great, my custom claim is visible in the log window of my JS client.

I put a break point on it just to inspect what is in the context, and I noticed it was getting hit twice. The caller properties were ClaimsProviderAccessToken and UserInfoEndpoint respectively. Why is this?

In my naivety I removed the profile scope from my js client, and in oidc-js config also removed the profile scope, and set loadUserInfo: false yet my ProfileService it is still called twice.

If my end goal is to set claims based on parameters from a database, I really I don't want to be doing this operaion twice, do I? (Genuine question -- I don't know). A 'solution' would be to only set them on "ClaimsProviderAccessToken" but there is something telling me that there will be a reason ProfileServices get called twice and that there is some importance of it setting the claims on both runs through.

8 Answers

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Grade: A

Let's break down why your ProfileService is called twice in IdentityServer4 and how to optimize it.

  • Two Calls, Two Purposes: IdentityServer4 calls your ProfileService twice, but for different reasons:

    • ClaimsProviderAccessToken (Access Token): This call is for generating the Access Token. The Access Token is used by your JavaScript client to access protected resources. It needs to contain the necessary claims for authorization.
    • UserInfoEndpoint (User Info): This call populates the User Info endpoint. The OpenID Connect (OIDC) specification defines this endpoint. It allows clients to fetch user information after authentication.
  • Why This Matters: Even if you remove the profile scope and disable loadUserInfo in your client, IdentityServer might still be configured to include basic user information in the Access Token. This is common for scenarios where your client needs to display basic user data.

  • Optimization: You're right, repeatedly fetching data from the database in your ProfileService isn't ideal. Here's how to optimize:

    1. Caching: Implement caching within your ProfileService. Store user claims in a cache (like IMemoryCache) after the first database call. On subsequent calls, check the cache first.

    2. Conditional Logic: If you are certain you only need to enrich claims for specific flows (e.g., only for the Access Token), you can add conditional logic within your ProfileService. Check the context.Caller property to determine the context of the call and only execute your database logic when necessary.

      public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
          if (context.Caller == "ClaimsProviderAccessToken") 
              // Fetch data from the database and add claims
          return Task.FromResult(0);
  • Important Note: Be mindful of the sensitivity of the data you're adding as claims. Ensure it's appropriate to include in both Access Tokens and the User Info endpoint.

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Grade: A

The ProfileService is executed twice because IdentityServer4 has two phases of processing: the "claims provider" phase and the "userinfo endpoint" phase.

  1. The first time, ProfileService is called with a ClaimsProviderAccessToken context, which represents the initial authentication request. This is where you can set claims that are specific to the authentication flow.
  2. The second time, ProfileService is called with a UserInfoEndpoint context, which represents the userinfo endpoint request. This is where you can set additional claims or update existing ones based on the user's profile information.

Both phases are important for completing the authentication process and providing the necessary claims to the client application.

If your goal is to set claims based on database parameters, it's generally recommended to do this in the ProfileService implementation. You can use the ClaimsProviderAccessToken context to set claims that are specific to the authentication flow, and then update or add additional claims in the UserInfoEndpoint context if needed.

In your case, since you're setting a custom claim in both phases, it's not causing any issues. However, if you only wanted to set claims once, you could consider merging the logic into a single phase by using the ClaimsProviderAccessToken context and skipping the second call.

It's worth noting that the loadUserInfo: false configuration option is used to disable the userinfo endpoint request altogether, which would prevent the second call to your ProfileService. However, this might not be desirable if you need to retrieve additional user information.

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Grade: B

The ProfileService in IdentityServer4 is executed twice because it is used for two different purposes:

  1. To retrieve user information from an external identity provider (IdP) during the authorization flow. This is done by calling the UserInfoEndpoint of the IdP, which returns a JSON object containing the user's claims. The ProfileService is responsible for parsing this JSON object and adding the claims to the ClaimsIdentity object that represents the user.
  2. To retrieve additional information about the user from an external resource (e.g., a database) during the token issuance flow. This is done by calling the GetProfileDataAsync method of the IProfileService, which returns a list of claims that are added to the ClaimsIdentity object.

In your case, you have set loadUserInfo: false in the oidc-js configuration, which means that the user information is not loaded from the IdP during the authorization flow. However, the ProfileService is still called twice because it is used for both purposes mentioned above.

To avoid setting the claims twice, you can set loadUserInfo: false in the oidc-js configuration and remove the profile scope from your JS client. This will prevent the user information from being loaded from the IdP during the authorization flow, but it will still be available for the token issuance flow.

Alternatively, you can set loadUserInfo: true in the oidc-js configuration and remove the profile scope from your JS client. This will load the user information from the IdP during the authorization flow, which means that the ProfileService will only be called once. However, this may result in slower performance because the user information needs to be retrieved from the IdP for each request.

In summary, the decision of whether to set the claims twice or not depends on your specific use case and requirements. If you want to avoid setting the claims twice, you can set loadUserInfo: false in the oidc-js configuration and remove the profile scope from your JS client. However, if you need to retrieve user information from an external resource during the token issuance flow, you may want to set loadUserInfo: true and use the ProfileService to add additional claims based on parameters from a database.

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Grade: B
  • The ProfileService is called twice because the OpenID Connect protocol requires two separate requests to the authorization server:

    • One to get the access token (using the "ClaimsProviderAccessToken" caller).
    • One to get the user profile (using the "UserInfoEndpoint" caller).
  • The access token is used to access protected resources, while the user profile contains information about the user, such as their name, email address, and profile picture.

  • Setting claims on both runs through the ProfileService is important because it ensures that the claims are available to both the access token and the user profile.

  • If you only set claims on the "ClaimsProviderAccessToken" caller, then the claims will not be available to the user profile.

  • If you only set claims on the "UserInfoEndpoint" caller, then the claims will not be available to the access token.

  • To avoid doing the database operation twice, you can cache the claims in memory.

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Grade: B

ProfileService Execution

Based on the information you provided, your ProfileService is being called twice because of the following two scenarios:

1. Token Validation:

  • When the JS client obtains an access token, IdentityServer validates the token and calls the IsActiveAsync method on your ProfileService. This call is made regardless of whether the user profile claims are needed.

2. Claim Population:

  • If the profile scope is present in the client's authorization code, IdentityServer calls the GetProfileDataAsync method on your ProfileService to populate the user's profile claims. This call is made only if the user profile claims are needed.

Therefore, even though you have removed the profile scope and set loadUserInfo: false, the ProfileService is still called twice because of the token validation process.


If your goal is to set claims based on parameters from a database, you can achieve this by setting the claims on the ClaimsProviderAccessToken only. This will ensure that the claims are only set once, when the access token is issued.

Additional Notes:

  • Removing the profile scope from the client and setting loadUserInfo: false is the correct approach to prevent unnecessary calls to the ProfileService when the user profile claims are not needed.
  • If you need to set claims based on parameters from a database in the future, you can modify the GetProfileDataAsync method to retrieve the necessary data from the database and add it to the IssuedClaims list.
  • It is important to understand the purpose of each method in the ProfileService and the context in which they are called.
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Grade: B

Here's a solution for your issue with the ProfileService being called twice:

  1. The ProfileService is executed in two scenarios due to its design and the IdentityServer4 framework's functionality:
    • ClaimsProviderAccessToken: When the access token is requested.
    • UserInfoEndpoint: When user info is requested from the UserInfo endpoint.
  2. If you want to avoid executing your custom claim-setting logic twice, you can use a flag or a cache mechanism to ensure that claims are set only once per user request. Here's an example using a simple boolean flag:
public class ProfileService : IProfileService
    private bool _claimsSet;

    public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
        if (!_claimsSet)
            context.IssuedClaims.Add(new Claim("test-claim", "test-value"));
            _claimsSet = true;

        return Task.FromResult(0);

    public Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
        if (!_claimsSet)
            context.IsActive = true;
            _claimsSet = true;

        return Task.FromResult(0);
  1. This solution ensures that your custom claims are set only once per request, regardless of the number of times the ProfileService is called. However, if you need to perform additional logic based on the specific scenario (access token or user info), you can add conditional checks for context.Caller to handle them differently.

Keep in mind that this solution uses a simple flag to avoid double execution. Depending on your use case, you might want to consider using caching mechanisms like in-memory caches or distributed caches (e.g., Redis) for better performance and scalability.

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Grade: B
  1. The ProfileService may be executed twice due to IdentityServer4's default behavior, which includes fetching user profile data during token issuance and access token validation. This ensures consistent application state across different parts of your application that rely on OIDC tokens.

  2. To avoid unnecessary calls to the ProfileService, you can modify its implementation as follows:

    a. Add an event handler for the AccessTokenValidated event in your client configuration, which will allow you to execute custom logic after token validation but before user info loading.

    const config = {
      idp: 'https://your-identityserver.com',
      client_id: 'your-client-id',
      responseType: 'token id_token code',
      redirectUri: 'http://localhost/callback',
      requestScreenFlow: false,
      accessTokenValidationCallback: (accessToken) => {
        // Custom logic after token validation but before user info loading
        return true;

    b. In your ProfileService, modify the GetProfileDataAsync method to only add claims when necessary, based on custom conditions:

    public class ProfileService : IProfileService
        public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
            if (context.AccessTokenValidated && !context.UserInfoLoaded) // Check for token validation and user info not yet loaded
                context.IssuedClaims.Add(new Claim("test-claim", "test-value"));
            Administrative tasks, such as checking the validity of an access token or loading user information from a database based on custom conditions, can be performed here.
            return Task.CompletedTask;

    c. By implementing this approach, you'll have more control over when and how your ProfileService is executed, reducing unnecessary calls while still maintaining the benefits of consistent user profile data across different parts of your application.

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Grade: B
public class ProfileService : IProfileService
    public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
        if (context.Caller == "ClaimsProviderAccessToken")
            // Set claims based on parameters from a database for the first call
            context.IssuedClaims.Add(new Claim("test-claim", "test-value"));
        return Task.FromResult(0);

    public Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
        context.IsActive = true;

        return Task.FromResult(0);