To bind configuration settings to the string "disabled" as an int with value -1, you need to use a custom binding provider. In the ConfigureServices startup section of your ASP.NET Core solution, add the following code:
public static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
// other startup configuration
var settingsBinder = new BinderSettings();
settingsBinder.Add<SettingsClass>("SettingsSection", new SettingsClassBinder());
services.AddSingleton<ISettingsManager, SettingsManager>();
services.AddSingleton<SettingsClass, SettingsClass>();
You will also need to create a custom binder for the Setting class by defining an IBindingProvider implementation with the following methods:
public sealed class SettingsClassBinder : IBindingProvider {
public bool CanProvideValue(Type type) => type == typeof(SettingsClass);
public object ProvideValue(Type type, string name) {
if (type == typeof(SettingsClass)) {
var settings = GetSection<SettingsClass>(name);
var result = new SettingsClass();
foreach (var setting in settings) {
if (setting.Key == "IntProperty" && setting.Value is string intStr) {
if (int.TryParse(intStr, out int value)) {
// Handle the value as an int
result.IntProperty = value;
} else if (intStr == "disabled") {
// Handle the special case of binding the value as -1
result.IntProperty = -1;
} else {
// Set other properties to their default values
return result;
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException("Binder is not implemented for type " + type);
In this example, we use a dictionary to store the configuration values in a Settings class and define an IBindingProvider implementation that returns an instance of SettingsClass when provided with a name. This binder first retrieves the corresponding settings section from the Configuration object using the GetSection() method. Then it iterates through each setting in the settings section and checks whether its key is "IntProperty" and its value is a string. If that's the case, the binder attempts to convert the value into an int using the int.TryParse() method. If the conversion is successful, the binder assigns the result to the IntProperty property of the resulting SettingsClass instance.
On the other hand, if the value is not a number or is the string "disabled", the binder assigns the default value for the property using the SetDefaultValue() method provided by the SettingsManager class.
The CanProvideValue() method returns true if the binder can bind an instance of the specified type; false otherwise.