Loading ASP.Net Core authorization policy from database

asked8 years ago
viewed10.7k times
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In ASP.Net Core we defined authorization policy in ConfigureServices method as below.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

   services.AddAuthorization(options =>
        options.AddPolicy("Founders", policy =>
           policy.RequireClaim ("EmployeeNumber", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"));

and we use it on controller action as below.

public IActionResult GenerateReport()
   return View();

This is all fine and works perfectly. Now my question is, instead of defining "Founders" policy in code (using AddPolicy method in above snippet) how can I add policy details (name,claimtype, value) from database? Is there any hook provided in framework which I can use to populate policies from database?

Idea here is I should be able to add new Employee numbers to list (in database) and policy should be evaluated against that list. Obliviously I can pull this list from database in ConfigureServices itself however any new addition to employee list will not be picked up until application is restarted. Any pointers around this highly appreciated.

12 Answers

Up Vote9Down Vote

You need to combine Requirement and Authorization handlers, but not to populate policies from database, but for doing whatever authentication mechanism that you want to do. First create a requirement class to feed to to the policy. Let's name it ThePolicyRequirement for now, more on this class later. second, create ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler and add it as a scoped service

services.AddAuthorization(options =>
    options.AddPolicy("ThePolicy", policy => policy.Requirements.Add( new ThePolicyRequirement() ));

services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationHandler, ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler>();

The key is that we can inject pretty much anything in ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler, and then we pass those injected objects and any other objects that are available at hand to ThePolicyRequirement, for it to determine wether the user is authenticated or not. For example, here's my ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler for asp.net core 2 and 3:

public class ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<ThePolicyRequirement>
    readonly AppDbContext _context;
    readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

    public ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler(DbContext c, IHttpContextAccessor ca)
        _context = c;
        _contextAccessor = ca;

    protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, ThePolicyRequirement requirement)
        if (context.Resource is AuthorizationFilterContext filterContext)
            var area = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["area"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var controller = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var action = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var id = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string)?.ToLower();
            if (await requirement.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, area, controller, action, id))

        else if (context.Resource is PolicyResource policyResource)
            var pr = policyResource;
            if (await requirement.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, pr.Area, pr.Controller, pr.Action, pr.Id))

UPDATE apparently, things have changes a bit in .net 5, below ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler for .net 5:

public class ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<ThePolicyRequirement>
    readonly AppDbContext _context;
    readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

    public ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler(DbContext c, IHttpContextAccessor ca)
        _context = c;
        _contextAccessor = ca;

    protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, ThePolicyRequirement requirement)
        if (context.Resource is AuthorizationFilterContext filterContext)
            var area = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["area"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var controller = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var action = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var id = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string)?.ToLower();
            if (await req.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, area, controller, action, id))
        if (context.Resource is DefaultHttpContext httpContext)
            var area = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["area"].ToString();
            var controller = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["controller"].ToString();
            var action = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["action"].ToString();
            var id = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["id"].ToString();
            if (await req.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, area, controller, action, id))

and my Requirement class:

public class ThePolicyRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
    AppDbContext _context;
    IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

    public async Task<bool> Pass(AppDbContext context, IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor, string area, string controller, string action, string id)
        _context = context;
        _contextAccessor = contextAccessor;
        //authorization logic goes here

        return await Task.FromResult(false);

in my example, I pass my AppDbContext and HttpContextAssessor to ThePolicyRequirement, but refrain from passing the AuthorizationHandlerContext because in my case, i just need the area/controller/action name only. The important thing is we can pass almost any information available in our whole application to it. Hope this will help.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

Yes, you can load authorization policies from a database in ASP.NET Core. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a class to represent your authorization policy. This class should have properties for the policy name, claim type, and claim value.
public class AuthorizationPolicy
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string ClaimType { get; set; }
    public string ClaimValue { get; set; }
  1. Create a service to retrieve the authorization policies from the database. This service should implement the IAuthorizationPolicyProvider interface.
public class DatabaseAuthorizationPolicyProvider : IAuthorizationPolicyProvider
    private readonly IOptions<AuthorizationOptions> _options;

    public DatabaseAuthorizationPolicyProvider(IOptions<AuthorizationOptions> options)
        _options = options;

    public Task<AuthorizationPolicy> GetPolicyAsync(string policyName)
        // Get the authorization policy from the database.
        var policy = GetPolicyFromDatabase(policyName);

        if (policy == null)
            return Task.FromResult<AuthorizationPolicy>(null);

        // Create an authorization policy based on the policy retrieved from the database.
        var authorizationPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
            .AddRequirements(new ClaimRequirement(policy.ClaimType, policy.ClaimValue))

        return Task.FromResult(authorizationPolicy);

    private AuthorizationPolicy GetPolicyFromDatabase(string policyName)
        // Implement the logic to retrieve the authorization policy from the database.
        // For example, you can use Entity Framework to query the database.
        using (var context = new MyContext())
            return context.AuthorizationPolicies.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == policyName);
  1. Register the DatabaseAuthorizationPolicyProvider service in the ConfigureServices method of your Startup class.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddAuthorization(options =>
        options.AddPolicy("Founders", policy =>
            policy.RequireClaim("EmployeeNumber", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"));

    services.AddSingleton<IAuthorizationPolicyProvider, DatabaseAuthorizationPolicyProvider>();
  1. Use the [Authorize] attribute on your controller actions to specify the authorization policy.
public IActionResult GenerateReport()
    return View();

This approach allows you to load authorization policies from a database, which gives you more flexibility and control over your authorization policies. You can easily add, remove, or update authorization policies in the database without having to restart your application.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

ASP.NET Core doesn't have built-in support for loading authorization policies directly from a database out of the box. However, there are several ways to achieve your goal:

  1. Use an external library: You can use an external library like Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.Authorization or PolicySpoon. These libraries allow you to load policies from external sources, including a database. However, keep in mind that this approach may require more setup and configuration.

  2. Create your custom middleware: You can create a custom middleware component to read the policies from the database every time an incoming request is received. You will have to implement the IPolicyProvider interface to load the policies dynamically from the database. This way, you'll avoid restarting the application whenever you add new employee numbers to your policy list.

Here's a simple example of creating a custom IPolicyProvider implementation:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class DbContextPolicyProvider : DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public DbContextPolicyProvider(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    protected override AuthorizationPolicy CreatePolicy(string policyName)
        var policy = base.CreatePolicy(policyName);

        if (policyName == "Founders")
            policy.RequireClaims = new List<Claim>()
                    new Claim("EmployeeNumber", _context.Employees.Where(e => e.IsFounder).Select(e => e.Id.ToString()).ToArray())

        return policy;

In the above example, we created a custom DbContextPolicyProvider, which extends the DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider. Inside the CreatePolicy method, you can load the policy details from your database. Make sure to set up this custom provider within your application:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Add other services...

    services.AddSingleton<IAuthorizationPolicyProvider>(new DbContextPolicyProvider(new ApplicationDbContext()));

Also, you may need to make some modifications to your controller actions to work with the custom IPolicyProvider, like:

[Authorize(policyType: "Founders")]
public IActionResult GenerateReport()
    return View();

With these modifications, you'll be able to load your authorization policies from the database at runtime instead of having them defined in your code.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

To dynamically load policies from a database in ASP.NET Core you would need to implement an IAuthorizationPolicyProvider. This allows for the creation of custom policy providers that can fetch their data at run-time rather than compile time, which is exactly what we want to achieve here. Below is a general idea on how to accomplish it:

  1. Implementing DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider and IAuthorizationPolicyProvider:
public class CustomAuthorizationPolicyProvider : DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider, IAuthorizationPolicyProvider
    private readonly IOptions<AuthorizationOptions> _authorizationOptions;
    public CustomAuthorizationPolicyProvider(IOptions<AuthorizationOptions> authorizationOptions) 
        : base(authorizationOptions)
        _authorizationOptions = authorizationOptions;
   public async Task<AuthorizationPolicy> GetPolicyAsync(string policyName)
        // Your implementation for fetching policy from database by Policy Name. 
         // This is just a sample, you will be replacing this logic with your own which fetches the policy information from DB
         if (/*Your condition to check policy exist in Database or not*/){
             var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
                .AddRequirements(new CustomAuthorizationRequirement())
                .Build();  //Here, you should build your authorization policy based on data fetched from database
              return policy;
               return await base.GetPolicyAsync(policyName);
  1. Adding Custom Policy Provider to DI Container in Startup:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { 
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
   options.DefaultPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationPolicyProvider, CustomAuthorizationPolicyProvider>();

Now when you attempt to [Authorize("SomePolicy")] in a controller or action it should now get the policy from your custom authorization policy provider and not the static one in the configure services.

Remember that this will fetch all policies at startup of application, if any changes done in database after startup they won't be reflected without restarting the web app because these fetches occur just once during startup.

You can use IAuthorizationService to re-evaluate/update policy dynamically for particular user and may need to manage cache or something similar where you would store policies in memory and then on updates, flush those entries from memory which the user is currently using so it could get updated information without refreshing.

Also consider making a custom requirement that can be used with [Authorize(Policy = "YourCustomPolicy")] by extending the class AuthorizationHandler<T> where you would put your own logic to check if given claim meet up requirements or not based on database data.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

Sure, here are a couple of ways you can add authorization policy details from a database in ASP.Net Core:

1. Utilize Custom Policy Evaluation Strategy:

  • Implement a custom policy evaluation strategy that reads policy details from a database.
  • Implement the IAuthorizationPolicyProvider interface and define the strategy.
  • In the strategy, access the database to retrieve the relevant policy details for the requested user.
  • Apply the custom strategy during policy evaluation.

2. Create a Dynamic Policy Provider:

  • Define a dynamic policy provider that retrieves policy details from the database.
  • Inject this dynamic policy provider into the IAuthorizationPolicyProvider interface.
  • In the policy provider, access the database and return a policy that evaluates the claims based on the retrieved policies.

3. Use a Policy Defined in a Configuration File:

  • Define the policy details as a JSON object or a string in a configuration file.
  • Use the AddPolicy method to add the policy to the authorization options.
  • During application startup, load the policy details from the configuration file.
  • Apply the loaded policy during authorization checks.

4. Integrate with Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Configure your ASP.Net Core application to use Identity and Access Management (IAM) for authorization.
  • Create an IAM Role that contains the required permissions and claims.
  • Assign the Role to the user in the database.
  • Use the Authorize attribute with the Policy attribute to apply the IAM policy.


  • Consider using a database-first approach to manage policy details for better separation and data consistency.
  • Use a clear and consistent naming convention for policy names, claims, and values.
  • Test your authorization policies to ensure they function as intended.
Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

In this case, you can use an Entity Framework view to get all policies in your database for a given name, then pass that into the AddAuthorization method along with other policy options like claimtype and values. Here's how you can implement it:

  1. Create a new list of employees as a separate entity (e.g., a table) using Entity Framework. The list should contain "EmployeeNumber", "Name".
  2. Define the required fields to be returned from the Employees view (e.g., "EmployeeNumber" and "Name") in a Model class or subclasses with required select options in ASP.Net Core.
  3. Implement the Employees view by writing an Entity Framework view using LINQ query which fetches all data in EmployeeView.
  4. In your ConfigureServices method, after adding Mvc to the Service collection, you can fetch all Policies for Founders name and then call AddAuthorization with that list along with other policy options such as claimType, value:
 public IActionResult GenerateReport()
    List<Employees> employees = from e in Employees.GetName(name: "Founders").Select(i => new Employee(i).ToDictionary()) select i; 

      services.AddAuthorization(new OptionSet() {
              Options { ClaimType = 2 },

This will automatically fetch all policies with a given name from the database, then it passes to AddPolicy for further evaluation based on the given claim. The key advantage is that this will be available at the application startup and no need to restart the service after any change to policy-related data in the Employees table. Hope this helps!

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

You need to combine Requirement and Authorization handlers, but not to populate policies from database, but for doing whatever authentication mechanism that you want to do. First create a requirement class to feed to to the policy. Let's name it ThePolicyRequirement for now, more on this class later. second, create ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler and add it as a scoped service

services.AddAuthorization(options =>
    options.AddPolicy("ThePolicy", policy => policy.Requirements.Add( new ThePolicyRequirement() ));

services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationHandler, ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler>();

The key is that we can inject pretty much anything in ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler, and then we pass those injected objects and any other objects that are available at hand to ThePolicyRequirement, for it to determine wether the user is authenticated or not. For example, here's my ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler for asp.net core 2 and 3:

public class ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<ThePolicyRequirement>
    readonly AppDbContext _context;
    readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

    public ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler(DbContext c, IHttpContextAccessor ca)
        _context = c;
        _contextAccessor = ca;

    protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, ThePolicyRequirement requirement)
        if (context.Resource is AuthorizationFilterContext filterContext)
            var area = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["area"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var controller = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var action = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var id = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string)?.ToLower();
            if (await requirement.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, area, controller, action, id))

        else if (context.Resource is PolicyResource policyResource)
            var pr = policyResource;
            if (await requirement.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, pr.Area, pr.Controller, pr.Action, pr.Id))

UPDATE apparently, things have changes a bit in .net 5, below ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler for .net 5:

public class ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<ThePolicyRequirement>
    readonly AppDbContext _context;
    readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

    public ThePolicyAuthorizationHandler(DbContext c, IHttpContextAccessor ca)
        _context = c;
        _contextAccessor = ca;

    protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, ThePolicyRequirement requirement)
        if (context.Resource is AuthorizationFilterContext filterContext)
            var area = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["area"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var controller = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var action = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string)?.ToLower();
            var id = (filterContext.RouteData.Values["id"] as string)?.ToLower();
            if (await req.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, area, controller, action, id))
        if (context.Resource is DefaultHttpContext httpContext)
            var area = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["area"].ToString();
            var controller = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["controller"].ToString();
            var action = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["action"].ToString();
            var id = httpContext.Request.RouteValues["id"].ToString();
            if (await req.Pass(_context, _contextAccessor, area, controller, action, id))

and my Requirement class:

public class ThePolicyRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
    AppDbContext _context;
    IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

    public async Task<bool> Pass(AppDbContext context, IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor, string area, string controller, string action, string id)
        _context = context;
        _contextAccessor = contextAccessor;
        //authorization logic goes here

        return await Task.FromResult(false);

in my example, I pass my AppDbContext and HttpContextAssessor to ThePolicyRequirement, but refrain from passing the AuthorizationHandlerContext because in my case, i just need the area/controller/action name only. The important thing is we can pass almost any information available in our whole application to it. Hope this will help.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

In ASP.NET Core, you can create dynamic authorization policies by implementing the IAuthorizationRequirement interface and using the IAuthorizationPolicyProvider service. This allows you to load policy details from a database and automatically re-evaluate the policies when the database is updated. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Create a custom requirement class implementing IAuthorizationRequirement.
public class FoundersRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
    public IEnumerable<string> EmployeeNumbers { get; }

    public FoundersRequirement(IEnumerable<string> employeeNumbers)
        EmployeeNumbers = employeeNumbers;
  1. Implement a custom IAuthorizationPolicyProvider to load policies from the database.
public class DatabasePolicyProvider : DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _dbContext;

    public DatabasePolicyProvider(IOptions<AuthorizationOptions> options, ApplicationDbContext dbContext) : base(options)
        _dbContext = dbContext;

    public override async Task<AuthorizationPolicy> GetPolicyAsync(string policyName)
        var policy = await base.GetPolicyAsync(policyName);

        if (policyName == "Founders")
            // Replace this query with your actual database query.
            var employeeNumbers = await _dbContext.Employees.Where(e => e.IsFounder).Select(e => e.EmployeeNumber).ToListAsync();

            policy.Requirements.Add(new FoundersRequirement(employeeNumbers));

        return policy;
  1. Register the custom policy provider in the ConfigureServices method.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


    services.AddAuthorization(options =>
        options.AddPolicy("Founders", policy =>
            policy.Requirements.Add(new FoundersRequirement(new List<string>()));

    services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationPolicyProvider, DatabasePolicyProvider>();
  1. Create a custom AuthorizationHandler to evaluate the requirement.
public class FoundersHandler : AuthorizationHandler<FoundersRequirement>
    protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, FoundersRequirement requirement)
        if (context.User.HasClaim(c => c.Type == "EmployeeNumber"))
            var employeeNumbers = requirement.EmployeeNumbers;
            if (employeeNumbers.Contains(context.User.FindFirst("EmployeeNumber").Value))

        return Task.CompletedTask;
  1. Register the custom handler in the ConfigureServices method.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // ...

    services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationHandler, FoundersHandler>();

Now, the Founders policy will be loaded from the database, and the list of employee numbers will be re-evaluated whenever the database is updated.

Up Vote5Down Vote
Grade: C
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    // Register your database context

    // Register a policy provider that reads policies from the database
    services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationPolicyProvider, DatabasePolicyProvider>();

    // Register a policy handler that uses the policy provider to evaluate policies
    services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationHandler, DatabasePolicyHandler>();

public class DatabasePolicyProvider : IAuthorizationPolicyProvider
    private readonly MyDbContext _context;

    public DatabasePolicyProvider(MyDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public Task<AuthorizationPolicy> GetPolicyAsync(string policyName)
        // Query the database for the policy
        var policy = _context.Policies.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == policyName);

        if (policy == null)
            return Task.FromResult<AuthorizationPolicy>(null);

        // Create a policy based on the database data
        var builder = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder();
        foreach (var claim in policy.Claims)
            builder.RequireClaim(claim.ClaimType, claim.ClaimValue);

        return Task.FromResult(builder.Build());

    public Task<AuthorizationPolicy> GetDefaultPolicyAsync()
        return Task.FromResult<AuthorizationPolicy>(null);

public class DatabasePolicyHandler : AuthorizationHandler<AuthorizationHandlerContext>
    protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, object requirement)
        // If the policy is found in the database, allow access
        if (context.Resource.FindFirst(c => c.Type == "EmployeeNumber").Value == "1")

        return Task.CompletedTask;
Up Vote5Down Vote
Grade: C

Step 1: Implement IAuthorizationPolicyProvider

To dynamically load authorization policies from the database, you can implement the IAuthorizationPolicyProvider interface. This interface provides a way to retrieve policies based on the current context.

public class DatabaseAuthorizationPolicyProvider : IAuthorizationPolicyProvider
    private readonly IEmployeeRepository _employeeRepository;

    public DatabaseAuthorizationPolicyProvider(IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository)
        _employeeRepository = employeeRepository;

    public Task<AuthorizationPolicy> GetPolicyAsync(string policyName)
        // Retrieve policy details from the database based on policyName
        var policyDetails = _employeeRepository.GetPolicyDetails(policyName);

        // Create and return the policy
        return Task.FromResult(new AuthorizationPolicy(policyDetails));

Step 2: Register the Policy Provider

In the ConfigureServices method, register the DatabaseAuthorizationPolicyProvider as an instance of IAuthorizationPolicyProvider:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddAuthorization(options =>

Step 3: Use the Policy in Controller Actions

Once the policy provider is registered, you can use the policy name Founders in your controller actions:

public IActionResult GenerateReport()
    return View();

Additional Notes:

  • The IEmployeeRepository interface represents the repository of employee information, which includes the list of employee numbers.
  • The GetPolicyDetails method in the IEmployeeRepository interface retrieves the policy details for a given policy name from the database.
  • The AuthorizationPolicy object contains the policy name, claim type, and value.
  • When the authorization policy is evaluated, the IAuthorizationPolicyProvider will be used to retrieve the policy details from the database.
  • Any changes to the employee list in the database will be reflected in the policy details, without the need to restart the application.
Up Vote0Down Vote
Grade: F

Yes, you can use the IOptions and IConfiguration interfaces to load authorization policies from a database.

Here is an example of how you can modify your code to load policies from a database:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    // Load policies from the database
    var policyLoader = new PolicyLoader();
    var policies = policyLoader.LoadPoliciesFromDatabase();

    foreach (var policy in policies)
        services.AddAuthorization(options => options.AddPolicy(policy));

In the above code, PolicyLoader is a custom class that loads policies from the database and returns them as an array of Policy objects. You can modify this class to load policies from your preferred database or data storage system.

Once you have loaded the policies, you can add them to the IServiceCollection using the AddAuthorization method, which is a part of the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace.

You can then use the Authorize attribute on your controllers or actions to require the specified authorization policy.

public IActionResult GenerateReport()
    return View();

This will ensure that only users with the EmployeeNumber claim value "1", "2", "3", "4", or "5" are allowed to access the controller action.

Keep in mind that this approach assumes that your policies are stored in a database and you have implemented a way to retrieve them from there. You will need to modify the PolicyLoader class to load your policies from the database instead of hardcoding them in the ConfigureServices method.

Up Vote0Down Vote
Grade: F

Yes, there's a hook in ASP.NET Core for adding policies from the database. The hook you're looking for is ConfigureServices() method, which allows you to configure services provided by other parts of the application or system. To add policies from the database using ConfigureServices() method, you'll need to create a custom service that will provide the details of the policy being evaluated. You can then use this custom service in conjunction with the ConfigureServices() method to add policies from the database.