Throw an exception in try catch block

asked14 years ago
last updated3 years ago
viewed80.3k times
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try { 
  if (isFileDownloaded)
   // do stuff
   throw new CustomException()
catch (Exception e)
  // something went wrong to save the error to log
  //release resources

My question is would the catch catches the ApplicationException thrown in the try block? is it in poor coding style? Should it be written in another way?

12 Answers

Up Vote9Down Vote

The catch will catch your exception (and any other that occurs). That being said, I try to avoid writing code like this when possible.

Personally, I see little reason to ever have exception handling (catch) for an exception thrown in the same scope. If you can handle your error in your method - put the exception handling (ie: logging) directly in the try block as well.

Using a catch is more useful, IMO, for catching exceptions thrown by methods within your try block. This would be more useful, for example, if your // do stuff section happened to call a method that raised an exception.

Also, I recommend not catching every exception (Exception e), but rather the specific types of exceptions you can handle correctly. The one exception to this would be if you're rethrowing the exception within your catch - ie: using it for logging purposes but still letting it bubble up the call stack.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

1. Will the catch catch the ApplicationException thrown in the try block? Yes, the catch block will catch the ApplicationException thrown in the try block because ApplicationException is a derived class of Exception.

2. Is it in poor coding style? Yes, it is considered poor coding style to throw an exception in a try block. The purpose of a try block is to handle exceptions that may occur while executing the code within the block. Throwing an exception in a try block defeats this purpose and can make it difficult to understand the flow of the code.

3. Should it be written in another way? Yes, it should be written in another way. A better approach would be to use a throw statement outside of the try block, like this:

if (!isFileDownloaded)
    throw new CustomException();

    // do stuff
catch (Exception e)
    // something went wrong to save the error to log
    //release resources

This approach ensures that the exception is only thrown if the condition isFileDownloaded is false, and it allows the try block to execute without the risk of an exception being thrown within it.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

Yes, the catch block in your code will catch the CustomException thrown in the try block because CustomException is derived from Exception, which is the base class for all exceptions in C#. So, you're good there!

However, throwing a generic ApplicationException or Exception is usually considered a poor coding practice. Instead, you should create and throw more specific exceptions that describe the exceptional situation. In your case, you have already created a custom exception (CustomException), which is a good practice.

Your code is already well-structured and easy to understand, so you don't need to change it significantly. But if you want to improve it further, consider the following suggestions:

  1. Use a more specific type for the caught exception (in this case, CustomException).
  2. Use the when clause in C# 6 or later to filter caught exceptions based on specific conditions.

Here's an example based on your code:

    if (isFileDownloaded)
        // do stuff
        throw new CustomException("File not downloaded.");
catch (CustomException ex) when (ex.Message.Contains("File not downloaded."))
    // something went wrong with file download
catch (CustomException ex)
    // something went wrong with other custom exceptions
catch (Exception ex)
    // something went wrong with other unexpected exceptions
    // release resources

In this example, the first catch block only catches CustomException instances with a specific error message. This way, you can handle specific exceptional situations more accurately. The other catch blocks handle other custom exceptions and general exceptions, ensuring you can handle and log them gracefully.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

In the provided snippet, you're throwing CustomException in your try block if isFileDownloaded is false. If try throws an exception but it is not handled within the catch(CustomException ex) block then control will transfer to its enclosing try-finally construct or a catch clause of outer try-finally blocks.

This behavior ensures that every possible error (unlike those caught and managed by try..catch(){} statements inside your code) is handled at least once before it's unhandled and terminates the program.

However, if you anticipate other exceptions or errors that aren't subclasses of .NET standard exception class like Exception being thrown then better to handle those specifically.

So, using try-catch for catching only Exception will capture all exceptions in your application - even if they are not handled elsewhere and cause the program termination which can be unexpected behaviour.

The recommended way would be:

try {  
  //some codes here... 
//if you have a specific error that might occur then catch it separately...
catch (CustomException e)
  //handle the exception for CustomError
//Then if any other standard error occurred in above try block.
catch( Exception ex )  
   Console.WriteLine("General Error : " +ex.Message);    
  ///release resources code goes here...

You may also want to make your custom exceptions inherit from .NET exception classes or other specific exceptions where possible for more accurate error handling in downstream code.

But as per coding style, it's completely fine and common way of managing errors. The catch-all Exception catch at the bottom is considered best practice because any unhandled exception (error) will crash your program. Catching all exceptions with one general Exception can help debug issues easier as well by giving detailed information about what caused an application to terminate, which could be very handy for developers in troubleshooting such crashes.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B
try { 
  if (isFileDownloaded)
   // do stuff
   throw new CustomException("File was not downloaded.");
catch (CustomException e)
  // something went wrong to save the error to log
  Console.WriteLine("Custom exception caught: " + e.Message);
catch (Exception e)
  // something went wrong to save the error to log
  Console.WriteLine("General exception caught: " + e.Message);
  //release resources
Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

The code you have provided demonstrates a common practice for handling exceptions in programming.

The "try" block contains the main code that might throw an exception, while the "catch" block catches any exceptions thrown during execution and handles them appropriately (such as logging or gracefully shutting down). The "finally" clause ensures that certain actions are always taken, regardless of whether an exception was raised.

In your example, it is likely that the code you wrote will throw the CustomException from within the try block if isFileDownloaded is false, which is appropriate for indicating a possible error condition in file handling or other situations where exceptions should be expected.

This approach to exception handling is widely accepted and recommended best practices, so your code style is sound. It is important, though, to always include appropriate error messages when possible, such as with logging statements. This will help you and others understand what went wrong and how to fix it in the future.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

Catching CustomException in Try-Catch Block

In the code snippet you provided, the catch block will catch an exception of type CustomException if the isFileDownloaded condition is false. It will not catch an ApplicationException.


  1. No, the catch block will not catch an ApplicationException thrown in the try block.

  2. Yes, the code style is poor. It's not clear what the code is trying to achieve, and it's not idiomatic.

  3. Here's a better way to write the code:

try {
  if (isFileDownloaded) {
    // do stuff
  } else {
    throw new CustomException("File is not downloaded");
} catch (CustomException e) {
  // handle CustomException
} finally {
  //release resources

This code is improved because:

  • It's clear that the code is trying to check if the file is downloaded and handle the exception appropriately.
  • It throws a specific exception (CustomException) and catches it in the catch block.
  • It includes a message with the exception to help debugging.

Additional Tips:

  • Use a specific exception class instead of Exception to handle specific errors.
  • Include a meaningful error message with your exception.
  • Log errors appropriately.
  • Handle exceptions gracefully.
Up Vote5Down Vote
Grade: C

The code snippet you provided uses a CustomException which is not specified to be an instance of ApplicationException. Since no specific exception type is mentioned in the catch block, it will only catch exceptions of type Exception. Therefore, if CustomException does not extend or is not assigned to Exception, then the code in the catch block would not handle the CustomException thrown.

Additionally, using a generic Exception instead of the more specific CustomException in the catch block may be considered poor coding style since it results in less explicit error handling and may cause confusion as to which types of errors are handled in the given exception block. It is generally better to specify the expected exceptions in the catch block for clearer and more concise error handling.

As an alternative, you could refactor the code as follows:

try { 
  if (isFileDownloaded)
   // do stuff
  else {
    throw new CustomException();
} catch (CustomException ce) {
  // handle CustomException here
} finally {
  //release resources

In this revised code, the catch block only handles CustomException, making it more explicit and reducing confusion regarding the type of errors being caught.

Up Vote4Down Vote
Grade: C

In this C# code snippet, there's an ApplicationException being thrown in the try block. The catch block, however, catches not only System.ApplicationException but also other custom exceptions defined elsewhere. Therefore, it can be said that this code snippet is not poor coding style. However, it could potentially be improved by adding more logging statements and making sure to catch specific exception types (e.g., FileNotFoundError)) instead of catching general custom exceptions.

Up Vote3Down Vote
Grade: C

The catch block in the given code will not catch the ApplicationException thrown in the try block.

ApplicationException is a custom exception type that is not caught by the catch (Exception e) block.

In order for the catch block to catch the ApplicationException, the code should use a more specific exception type, such as CustomException or a more generic type like Exception.

Here is an example of how the code could be rewritten to catch the CustomException and log the error:

try {
  if (isFileDownloaded) {
    // do stuff
  } else {
    throw new CustomException("Error downloading file.");
} catch (CustomException ce) {
  // handle CustomException here
  System.out.println("Error: " + ce.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
  // handle generic exceptions here
  System.out.println("Error occurred.");
} finally {
  // release resources

In this updated code, the CustomException is caught and logged, while the Exception type is caught and the general error message is printed.

Up Vote2Down Vote
Grade: D

The catch block will not catch the ApplicationException thrown in the try block if it is defined inside the try block as you have shown. This is because the try block has already completed and exited before the catch block is reached.

In order to catch a custom exception, you need to throw it outside of the try block or declare it in the catch block like this:

catch (ApplicationException e) {
  // handle the error

It is generally not considered poor coding style to catch and handle all exceptions in a single catch block, especially if the application needs to handle multiple types of exceptions. A more robust approach would be to have a specific catch block for each type of exception, or use a hierarchy of try and catch blocks as needed.

Here is an example of a more robust way to handle custom exceptions:

try {
  if (isFileDownloaded) {
    // do stuff
  } else {
    throw new CustomException("Error downloading file");
} catch (CustomException e) {
  // handle the error
} finally {
  // release resources
Up Vote0Down Vote
Grade: F

The catch will catch your exception (and any other that occurs). That being said, I try to avoid writing code like this when possible.

Personally, I see little reason to ever have exception handling (catch) for an exception thrown in the same scope. If you can handle your error in your method - put the exception handling (ie: logging) directly in the try block as well.

Using a catch is more useful, IMO, for catching exceptions thrown by methods within your try block. This would be more useful, for example, if your // do stuff section happened to call a method that raised an exception.

Also, I recommend not catching every exception (Exception e), but rather the specific types of exceptions you can handle correctly. The one exception to this would be if you're rethrowing the exception within your catch - ie: using it for logging purposes but still letting it bubble up the call stack.