Difference between try-finally and try-catch

asked15 years ago
viewed133.4k times
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What's the difference between

try {
} finally {


try {
} catch(Throwable throwable) {
    barFoo(throwable); // Does something with throwable, logs it, or handles it.

I like the second version better because it gives me access to the Throwable. Is there any logical difference or a preferred convention between the two variations?

Also, is there a way to access the exception from the finally clause?

12 Answers

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Grade: A

Difference between try-finally and try-catch

The two code snippets you provided are functionally similar, but they handle exceptions differently.


  • The try block contains a block of code.
  • The finally block is executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not.
  • The finally block is useful for cleaning up resources, even if an exception occurs.


  • The try block contains a block of code.
  • The catch block catches exceptions thrown by the code in the try block.
  • You can handle the exception by logging it, fixing it, or displaying an error message.

Preferred convention:

In general, it is preferred to use try-catch over try-finally whenever possible. This is because the try-catch block is more concise and easier to read than the try-finally block.

Accessing the exception from the finally clause:

There is no way to access the exception from the finally clause. However, you can access the exception by storing it in a variable within the try block.


try {
} finally {

public void fooBar() throws Exception {
  // Some code that throws an exception

public void barFoo() {
  // Clean up resources

In this example, the exception thrown by fooBar() can be accessed in the finally block by storing it in the variable exception:

try {
} finally {
  if (exception != null) {
    // Handle the exception

public void fooBar() throws Exception {
  // Some code that throws an exception
  throw new Exception("Example exception");

public void barFoo() {
  // Clean up resources


It is important to handle exceptions appropriately to avoid unexpected behavior and potential crashes.

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Grade: A

These are two different things:

In your example you haven't shown the third possible construct:

try {
    // try to execute this statements...
catch( SpecificException e ) {
    // if a specific exception was thrown, handle it here
// ... more catches for specific exceptions can come here
catch( Exception e ) {
    // if a more general exception was thrown, handle it here
finally {
    // here you can clean things up afterwards

And, like @codeca says in his comment, there is no way to access the exception inside the finally block, because the finally block is executed even if there is no exception.

Of course you could declare a variable that holds the exception outside of your block and assign a value inside the catch block. Afterwards you can access this variable inside your finally block.

Throwable throwable = null;
try {
    // do some stuff
catch( Throwable e ) {
    throwable = e;
finally {
    if( throwable != null ) {
        // handle it
Up Vote9Down Vote

These are two different things:

In your example you haven't shown the third possible construct:

try {
    // try to execute this statements...
catch( SpecificException e ) {
    // if a specific exception was thrown, handle it here
// ... more catches for specific exceptions can come here
catch( Exception e ) {
    // if a more general exception was thrown, handle it here
finally {
    // here you can clean things up afterwards

And, like @codeca says in his comment, there is no way to access the exception inside the finally block, because the finally block is executed even if there is no exception.

Of course you could declare a variable that holds the exception outside of your block and assign a value inside the catch block. Afterwards you can access this variable inside your finally block.

Throwable throwable = null;
try {
    // do some stuff
catch( Throwable e ) {
    throwable = e;
finally {
    if( throwable != null ) {
        // handle it
Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A
try {
} finally {
try {
} catch(Throwable throwable) {
    barFoo(throwable); // Does something with throwable, logs it, or handles it.
  • The try-finally block guarantees that the code in the finally block will be executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not in the try block. This is useful for cleaning up resources, such as closing files or network connections.
  • The try-catch block handles exceptions that are thrown in the try block. The code in the catch block will be executed only if an exception is thrown. This is useful for handling exceptions and preventing the program from crashing.
  • The try-finally block does not provide access to the exception that was thrown.
  • The try-catch block provides access to the exception that was thrown through the throwable variable.
  • The try-finally block is preferred when you need to ensure that some code is executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not.
  • The try-catch block is preferred when you need to handle exceptions and prevent the program from crashing.
  • You can use both try-finally and try-catch blocks in the same code.
  • You can access the exception from the finally clause by using the Throwable.getSuppressed() method. This method returns an array of Throwable objects that were suppressed by the current exception.
  • However, it is generally not recommended to access the exception from the finally clause, as it can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • It is better to handle exceptions in the catch block and then perform any necessary cleanup in the finally block.
Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

Sure, here's a breakdown of the differences between try-finally and try-catch:


  • The try block contains the code that should be executed normally.
  • The finally block runs regardless of whether the try block completed successfully or not.
  • If an exception occurs in the try block, the finally block is automatically executed.
  • It's useful when you need to perform some cleanup operations even if an error occurs.


  • The try block contains the code that should be executed normally.
  • If an exception occurs in the try block, the catch block is executed.
  • You have access to the Throwable object that was thrown when the try block executed.
  • It's useful when you need to log the exception, handle it, or perform some specific actions when an error occurs.

Which one to choose?

  • Use try-finally when you need to ensure that some cleanup operations are executed regardless of whether the try block completes successfully or not.
  • Use try-catch when you need to access the exception object or perform specific actions when an error occurs.

Accessing the Exception from Finally Clause

  • You cannot access the exception directly in the finally clause. However, you can access it through the Throwable object passed to the barFoo method.


public class MyClass {

    public void fooBar() throws Exception {
        // Some code that may throw an exception

    public void barFoo(Throwable throwable) {
        // Handle exception, log it, or perform cleanup operations


Try-finally and try-catch are similar approaches for handling exceptions. Try-finally is useful for cleaning up resources or performing cleanup tasks regardless of the success or failure of the main operation, while try-catch is suitable for accessing the exception object and handling exceptions specifically.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

The main difference between try-catch and try-finally blocks in Java lies in the manner they manage resources. In a try-catch block, any exception that occurs within the try statement is caught by an associated catch clause. If no exception occur during this process then finally block is executed.

try {
    fooBar(); // potential code that could throw some exception
} catch(Throwable throwable) {   //handle exception here
    barFoo(throwable);  //does something with the caught exception
} finally {
    barFoo();      //executed no matter what happened in try/catch blocks. It cleans up resources like closing files or connections.

In contrast, a try-finally block will always execute its associated finally clause when it ends whether the process was successful or not.

try {
    fooBar(); // potential code that could throw some exception
} finally {
     barFoo();  //executed no matter what happened in try/catch blocks. It cleans up resources like closing files or connections.

In both cases, you have the opportunity to handle exceptions (using a try-catch block) and clean up your code (using either a finally clause).

However, you'll not be able to get reference of caught exception in finally because by definition, when an exception is thrown or checked inside a try block but not being handled, it leaves the scope of that particular try-catch. That's why, if your finally requires access to those exceptions then usually this signal should go through a catch clause and not outside of it as well because control will flow directly out of try and won’t reach there for any uncaught exception in case an exception occurs during the execution of try block.

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Grade: B

Hello! I'm here to help clarify the differences between try-finally and try-catch blocks in Java.

The try-finally block is used to ensure that the code within the finally block is executed, whether an exception is thrown or not. This is useful for cleaning up resources, like closing connections or streams. In your example, fooBar() will be executed first, followed by barFoo() in both success and error scenarios.

On the other hand, the try-catch block is used to catch and handle exceptions. The catch block lets you handle the exception, either by logging it, displaying an error message, or recovering from the error. Here, fooBar() is executed first, and if any exception occurs, it will be caught and handled in the catch block.

As for your preference, it is reasonable to use a try-catch block when you expect potential exceptions and want to handle them. Meanwhile, you can still use try-finally to clean up resources, even within a try-catch block.

Here's an example of combining both:

try {
  // Other code...
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
  barFoo(throwable); // Handle the exception
} finally {
  barFoo(); // Clean up resources

Regarding accessing the exception from the finally clause, you cannot directly access the exception object from the finally block. However, you can set a variable in the catch block and check its value in the finally block. Keep in mind, though, that this might lead to confusing code and is generally not recommended.

Instead, consider using a custom exception class to pass relevant information from the catch block to other parts of your code. Here's an example:

class CustomException extends Exception {
  CustomException(String message, Throwable cause) {
    super(message, cause);

try {
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
  throw new CustomException("Error in fooBar", throwable);

This way, you can handle the exception and pass relevant information to other parts of your code.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

Both try-finally and try-catch blocks are used to handle exceptions in Java, but they serve different purposes and have some key differences.

  1. Try-Finally: This construct is used when there are resources that need to be cleaned up or closed irrespective of whether an exception occurs or not. For example, closing a file stream or releasing database connections. In your first code snippet, fooBar() may throw an exception which is not being handled inside the try block. But, you have placed important code in the finally block to release resources, ensuring they are always released, whether an exception is thrown or not. However, be careful as the code in finally block will still execute even if an exception occurs and propagates out.

  2. Try-Catch: This construct is used for handling specific exceptions, logging them or recovering from them. In your second code snippet, fooBar() may throw an exception which is being handled inside the try block itself or by the catch block. When using try-catch, it's important to mention the exact type of Throwable (Exception) you expect, as Java will not let you catch a general "Throwable" unless you've already caught all its subclasses in the same chain. In this scenario, you have provided 'Throwable', meaning all exceptions (checked and unchecked), which is fine since you are dealing with them inside your code.

Regarding your question about accessing the exception from finally clause - unfortunately, it is not possible to do so directly, as the exception context (variables like throwable) are only available within the try-catch construct, not in the finally block. So, if you need the details of the exception, it would be better to handle it using a try-catch statement and use it as needed afterwards.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

The two versions of the try-finally block have different behaviors. The first version has a catch block to handle exceptions within the try block itself. On the other hand, the second version does not have any catch blocks, but it has a finally block that executes regardless of whether an exception was thrown within the try block itself.

As for accessing the exception from the finally clause, this is possible using Java's Exception hierarchy.

In summary, the first version of the try-finally block has a catch block to handle exceptions within the try block itself. On the other hand, the second version does not have any catch blocks, but it has a finally block that executes regardless of whether an exception was thrown within the try block itself.

Up Vote5Down Vote
Grade: C

Yes, there is a difference between try-catch and try-finally blocks in Java. The primary difference is the handling of exceptions in each block. In a try-catch block, if an exception occurs, it is handled within the catch block, whereas in a finally block, no matter whether an exception occurs or not, the code in the finally block will always run after the try block.

It is also worth noting that exceptions can only be caught once, and they must be caught using the correct type of catch statement. This means if you have a try-catch block for one type of exception (e.g., IOException), but an instance of another type of exception (e.g., SQLException) occurs, it will not be caught by the catch block, and instead, it will result in a RuntimeException.

Regarding your preference for one or the other, the choice ultimately depends on your requirements as a developer. The first option provides a cleaner and more efficient approach to handling exceptions since you don't have to handle errors in a separate catch statement. However, if you need to perform some specific actions for each type of exception (e.g., log the error or handle it in a unique way), the second option might be more suitable.

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Grade: F

Difference between try-finally and try-catch:

  • try-finally: The finally block is always executed, regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not. It is typically used to release resources that were acquired in the try block, such as closing a file or a database connection.
  • try-catch: The catch block is only executed if an exception is thrown. It is typically used to handle the exception and perform some recovery action.

Preferred convention:

The preferred convention is to use try-finally for resource management and try-catch for exception handling. This helps to keep the code organized and makes it easier to understand the flow of the program.

Accessing the exception from the finally clause:

It is not possible to access the exception from the finally clause directly. However, you can use a workaround by declaring a Throwable variable in the try block and assigning the exception to it if it is thrown:

try {
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
    // Handle the exception here
} finally {
    if (throwable != null) {
        // Do something with the exception
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Grade: F

The primary purpose of try-finally and try-catch statements in Java is to handle exceptions. However, these two are used for slightly different purposes.

In the first example you provided (using try {...}), if any exception occurs within fooBar(), it will cause execution of barFoo() to be aborted and any code that follows it. Additionally, whether an exception has occurred or not, barFoo() will always execute at the end regardless of the outcome in fooBar()..

In the second example you provided (using try {...}), if any exception occurs within fooBar(), the code within the catch{ } block will be executed. In this case, accessing the Exception object from within the throwable parameter of the barFoo() method is a great option to help you handle it appropriately and make further modifications or responses based on the information contained within the exception object.

Regarding whether there are any other differences in using these two variations, they mainly differ in the way that exceptions are handled. As long as all code runs with both of these methods, they will provide a similar output.

In conclusion, both try-finally and try-catch serve to help you handle errors within your code while avoiding crashes or abrupt terminations.