How can I safely create a directory (possibly including intermediate directories)?

asked15 years ago
last updated1 year ago
viewed3.5m times
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I am writing a file using Python, and I want it to be placed in a specific path. How can I safely make sure that the path exists? That is: how can I check whether the folder exists, along with its parents? If there are missing folders along the path, how can I create them?

14 Answers

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Grade: A

To safely create a directory along with its intermediate directories if they don't exist, you can use the os.makedirs() function from the os module in Python. This function recursively creates all the missing directories in the specified path.

Here's an example of how you can use os.makedirs():

import os

def ensure_directory(directory):
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

# Example usage
file_path = "/path/to/your/file.txt"
directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)


# Now you can safely write to the file
with open(file_path, "w") as file:
    file.write("Hello, World!")

In this example:

  1. We define a function called ensure_directory() that takes a directory path as input.

  2. Inside the function, we use os.path.exists() to check if the directory already exists. If it doesn't exist, we use os.makedirs() to create the directory along with any missing intermediate directories.

  3. We specify the desired file path (file_path) where you want to write your file.

  4. We extract the directory path from the file path using os.path.dirname(). This gives us the path to the directory that will contain the file.

  5. We call the ensure_directory() function, passing the directory path as an argument. This function will create the directory and any missing intermediate directories if they don't already exist.

  6. Finally, we can safely open the file using open() and write to it using file.write(). The directory structure will already be in place.

By using os.makedirs(), you don't need to manually check for the existence of each intermediate directory and create them one by one. The function handles the creation of all necessary directories automatically.

Note: If the directory already exists, os.makedirs() will not raise an exception. It will simply do nothing and proceed without error.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Grade: A

You can use the os module in Python to check if a directory exists or not. To create intermediate directories (if required), you can also use the os module and the makedirs() function.

Here is an example of creating a new directory with intermediate folders if they do not already exist:

import os

path = "/path/to/your/folder"
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # Create path with existing folder
print("Directory created successfully!")

In this example, the exist_ok=True parameter is passed to makedirs() function which ensures that if any intermediate folder already exists at that location then nothing will happen. This means even if the intermediate directory already exists in its parent directories it won't be created again.

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On Python ≥ 3.5, use pathlib.Path.mkdir:

from pathlib import Path
Path("/my/directory").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

For older versions of Python, I see two answers with good qualities, each with a small flaw, so I will give my take on it:

Try os.path.exists, and consider os.makedirs for the creation.

import os
if not os.path.exists(directory):

As noted in comments and elsewhere, there's a race condition – if the directory is created between the os.path.exists and the os.makedirs calls, the os.makedirs will fail with an OSError. Unfortunately, blanket-catching OSError and continuing is not foolproof, as it will ignore a failure to create the directory due to other factors, such as insufficient permissions, full disk, etc.

One option would be to trap the OSError and examine the embedded error code (see Is there a cross-platform way of getting information from Python’s OSError):

import os, errno

except OSError as e:
    if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

Alternatively, there could be a second os.path.exists, but suppose another created the directory after the first check, then removed it before the second one – we could still be fooled.

Depending on the application, the danger of concurrent operations may be more or less than the danger posed by other factors such as file permissions. The developer would have to know more about the particular application being developed and its expected environment before choosing an implementation.

Modern versions of Python improve this code quite a bit, both by exposing FileExistsError (in 3.3+)...

except FileExistsError:
    # directory already exists

...and by allowing a keyword argument to os.makedirs called exist_ok (in 3.2+).

os.makedirs("path/to/directory", exist_ok=True)  # succeeds even if directory exists.
Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

To safely create a directory (including intermediate directories) in Python, you can use the os.makedirs() function. This function allows you to create a directory, as well as any necessary intermediate directories, in a single operation.

Here's an example:

import os

# Define the desired file path
file_path = "/path/to/my/file.txt"

# Get the directory part of the file path
dir_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)

# Create the directory (including any necessary intermediate directories)
    os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)
except OSError as e:
    print(f"Error creating directory: {e}")
    print(f"Directory '{dir_path}' created successfully.")

# Now you can safely write the file to the created directory
with open(file_path, "w") as file:
    file.write("Hello, world!")

Let's break down the code:

  1. We first define the desired file path as a string (file_path).
  2. We then use os.path.dirname() to extract the directory part of the file path (dir_path).
  3. Next, we use os.makedirs() to create the directory (including any necessary intermediate directories). The exist_ok=True parameter tells os.makedirs() to not raise an error if the directory already exists.
  4. We wrap the os.makedirs() call in a try-except block to handle any OSError that may occur during the directory creation process.
  5. If the directory is created successfully, we print a success message.
  6. Finally, we can safely write the file to the created directory.

The os.makedirs() function is a convenient way to ensure that the necessary directory structure exists before writing a file. It will create any missing intermediate directories, making the process of setting up the file path much easier and more robust.

Remember that the os.makedirs() function is a part of the os module, which provides a way to interact with the operating system. This makes the code portable across different platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.).

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Grade: A

To safely create a directory (including intermediate directories) in Python, you can use the os.makedirs() function from the os module. This function will create the specified directory, as well as any necessary parent directories that do not already exist.

Here's an example:

import os

# Define the path where you want to create the directory
path = "/path/to/your/directory"

    # Create the directory and any intermediate directories
    print(f"Directory '{path}' has been created successfully.")
except FileExistsError:
    # If the directory already exists, ignore the error
    print(f"Directory '{path}' already exists.")
except Exception as e:
    # Handle any other exceptions
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")


  1. Import the os module, which provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
  2. Define the path where you want to create the directory. In this example, it's /path/to/your/directory.
  3. Use a try-except block to handle exceptions:
    • Inside the try block, call os.makedirs(path) to create the directory and any necessary intermediate directories.
    • If the directory already exists, Python will raise a FileExistsError exception, which is caught in the first except block. In this case, you can print a message indicating that the directory already exists.
    • If any other exception occurs, it will be caught in the second except block, and you can print an error message.

By using os.makedirs(), you don't need to check if the directory or its parent directories exist beforehand. The function will create all the necessary directories automatically.

If you want to create the directory only if it doesn't already exist, you can use os.path.exists() to check for the directory's existence before calling os.makedirs(). Here's an example:

import os

path = "/path/to/your/directory"

if not os.path.exists(path):
        print(f"Directory '{path}' has been created successfully.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
    print(f"Directory '{path}' already exists.")

In this example, os.path.exists(path) checks if the directory exists. If it doesn't, the try block attempts to create the directory using os.makedirs(path). If the directory already exists, the else block is executed, and a message is printed accordingly.

Note that when using os.makedirs(), you need to be careful about the permissions required to create directories in the specified path. If you don't have the necessary permissions, the function will raise a PermissionError exception.

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Grade: A

In Python, you can use the os module to check if a directory exists and create missing directories if necessary. Here's how you can do it:

import os

def make_directory_path(path):
    """Create a directory and all missing parents if needed."""
    # Split path into components
        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
    except OSError as e:
        print(f"Error: {e.strerror}")

# Replace 'my_directory/sub_directory/filename.txt' with the path to your desired directory and file
file_path = "my_directory/sub_directory/filename.txt"

Here's a breakdown of the code:

  1. The make_directory_path() function takes in one argument, which is the path to create.
  2. It first attempts to make the directory using os.makedirs().
  3. The exist_ok=True argument ensures that any existing directories remain and only new missing parents will be created.
  4. If an error occurs during directory creation (like a permission issue or file already exists), it prints the error message to the console.
  5. Finally, call the function with the path to your desired directory: make_directory_path("my_directory/sub_directory"). Note that you must pass only the directory part and not the filename.
  6. Create or open your file in Python after making sure the necessary directories have been created: open(os.path.join(file_path), "w").

Now, whenever you want to create a directory path safely using Python, just call this function with the directory path as its argument.

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Grade: A

In Python, you can use the os module to safely create directories, including intermediate directories, using the os.makedirs() function. This function will create all the necessary directories in the specified path if they do not already exist. If the directory or any intermediate directories already exist, it will not raise any error.

Here's an example of how you can use os.makedirs() to safely create a directory and its parents if needed:

import os

path = "/your/desired/directory/path"

    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred while creating the directories: {e}")
    print("Directories created successfully!")

Replace "/your/desired/directory/path" with the desired path where you want to create the directories.

In the example above, I included a try-except block to handle any exceptions that might occur during the directory creation process. I used the exist_ok=True parameter to prevent the function from raising a FileExistsError in case the directory or any of its parents already exist.

By using this approach, you can ensure the target directory and its parents are created safely without causing any issues if they already exist.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

In Python, you can use the os module's built-in functionality to check for existence of directories. Use os.path.exists(directory) or os.path.isdir(directory) to test if a directory exists. If it doesn’t exist, create using os.mkdir().

To handle creating all the intermediate directories you can use os.makedirs() instead which will do this automatically:

import os

def make_sure_path_exists(path):
    if not os.path.exists(path):

This function can be used to create a directory (and all the intermediate ones, too), as in:


The directory "/Users/user123/Documents" and all its parents will be created if they do not already exist.

You should always take care while handling file paths to avoid unexpected behaviour due to wrong paths or path traversals: Always validate, escape and quote any user-supplied input when dealing with such data. It is also recommended to use os.path.join for creating filepaths that are correct regardless of operating system being used.

For instance:

def make_sure_path_exists(path):
    if not os.path.exists(path):

dirname = os.path.join("/Users/user123", "Documents")  # No need to worry about directory traversals or incorrect paths.
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Grade: B

Sure, here are the steps on how you can safely create a directory and its parents in Python:

  1. Use the Pathlib module:

    • Import the pathlib module: import pathlib
    • Create a Path object from the given path: path = pathlib.Path("/path/to/folder")
    • This Path object represents the directory you want to create.
  2. Check if the folder exists:

    • Use the exists() method of the Path object: path.exists()
    • This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the folder exists.
  3. Create intermediate directories along the path:

    • Use the mkdir() method on the parent directory object: path.parent.mkdir(parents=True)
    • This will create all the intermediate directories along the path up to the root directory.
  4. Append the intermediate directory to the path:

    • Use the join() method on the Path object to combine the path with the intermediate directory name: path /path/to/folder/intermediate_directory
    • This creates the complete path to the intermediate directory.
  5. Set the path for the file:

    • Use the os.path.join() function to combine the root directory path with the final path: filepath = os.path.join(path.parents[0],
    • This ensures that the file is created relative to the root directory.


import pathlib

# Define the path to the directory
path = pathlib.Path("/path/to/root/folder")

# Check if the folder exists
if path.exists():
    print("Directory exists!")

# Create intermediate directories

# Append the intermediate directory to the path
path = path / "intermediate_directory"

# Set the path for the file
file_path = os.path.join(path.parents[0],

# Create the file
with open(file_path, "w") as f:
    # ... file writing code ...

This code will check if the directory exists, create it, and add the intermediate directory to the path. It also sets the path for the file to be created relative to the root directory.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

To safely create a directory (and any intermediate directories) in Python, you can use the os.path.exists() and os.makedirs() functions. The os.path.exists() function returns True if the path exists, or False otherwise. If it does not exist, you can use the os.makedirs() function to create it. Here is an example:

import os

# Check if the directory exists and create it if it doesn't
if not os.path.exists('/path/to/directory'):

# Create intermediate directories as needed
if not os.path.exists('/path/to/intermediate/directories'):

It's a good practice to use os.path.isdir() function along with os.path.exists() function to check for the existence of file and folder in specific path.

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Grade: B
import os

def ensure_path_exists(path):
    Ensure that the path exists.

        path (str): The path to check.

        bool: True if the path exists, False otherwise.

    except OSError:
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
    return os.path.isdir(path)
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Grade: B

Safely creating a directory with intermediate directories in Python

Here's how to safely create a directory (including intermediate directories) in Python:

import os

# Define the path to your file
path = "/path/to/directory/structure/myfile.txt"

# Check if the directory exists
if not os.path.exists(path):
    # Create missing directories

# Now you can write your file to the defined path
with open(path, "w") as f:
    f.write("Hello, world!")


  1. os.path.exists(path): This function checks if the entire path for the file exists. If any part of the path is missing, it returns False.
  2. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)): This function creates all the intermediate directories in the path (including the final directory) if they don't already exist.
  3. with open(path, "w") as f: This block opens the file in write mode and ensures it is closed properly even if there are errors.

Additional notes:

  • Make sure to use the correct path format for your operating system.
  • If you want to create a directory with a specific name, you can do so like this:
  • Always use os.path.join to join paths safely.
  • Be cautious of creating directories with special characters or spaces as they might cause problems.


# Create a directory called "mynewdirectory" under "/path/to/directory/structure":

# Create a file called "myfile.txt" in the newly created directory:
with open("/path/to/directory/structure/mynewdirectory/myfile.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("Hello, world!")

This code will create the directory structure "/path/to/directory/structure/mynewdirectory" if it doesn't already exist and write "Hello, world!" to the file "myfile.txt".

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Grade: B

To safely create a directory and its parents in Python, you can use the os.makedirs() function. First, import the necessary module:

import os

Next, specify the path to which you want to create the directories. Include the parents along with their respective paths. Here's an example of how this could be done:

path_to_directory = "/Users/username/Documents/folder"
# Create parent directory if it doesn't already exist
parent_path = os.path.dirname(path_to_directory))

This code first specifies the path to the directory you want to create. Next, the code checks whether the parent directory (as determined by os.path.dirname())) exists or not. Finally, if the parent directory doesn't already exist, the code creates it using the os.makedirs() function. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

On Python ≥ 3.5, use pathlib.Path.mkdir:

from pathlib import Path
Path("/my/directory").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

For older versions of Python, I see two answers with good qualities, each with a small flaw, so I will give my take on it:

Try os.path.exists, and consider os.makedirs for the creation.

import os
if not os.path.exists(directory):

As noted in comments and elsewhere, there's a race condition – if the directory is created between the os.path.exists and the os.makedirs calls, the os.makedirs will fail with an OSError. Unfortunately, blanket-catching OSError and continuing is not foolproof, as it will ignore a failure to create the directory due to other factors, such as insufficient permissions, full disk, etc.

One option would be to trap the OSError and examine the embedded error code (see Is there a cross-platform way of getting information from Python’s OSError):

import os, errno

except OSError as e:
    if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

Alternatively, there could be a second os.path.exists, but suppose another created the directory after the first check, then removed it before the second one – we could still be fooled.

Depending on the application, the danger of concurrent operations may be more or less than the danger posed by other factors such as file permissions. The developer would have to know more about the particular application being developed and its expected environment before choosing an implementation.

Modern versions of Python improve this code quite a bit, both by exposing FileExistsError (in 3.3+)...

except FileExistsError:
    # directory already exists

...and by allowing a keyword argument to os.makedirs called exist_ok (in 3.2+).

os.makedirs("path/to/directory", exist_ok=True)  # succeeds even if directory exists.