If an identity conversion exists from S to T, must it be that S and T are same type?

asked11 years ago
last updated11 years ago
viewed446 times
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In 6.1.6. of the C# language specification, there is:

The implicit reference conversions are:(...) From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to a reference-type T0 and T0 has an identity conversion to T.

Why don't they say instead, more simply:

From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to T.

Is there any factual difference?

EDIT: I realized I mistyped the specification and the error could potentially be significant for the question (the specification says "The implicit reference conversion are" rather than "An implicit conversion exists")

13 Answers

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Grade: A

The C# specification is correct as written. It's not enough for a reference type to have an implicit identity or reference conversion to T for an implicit reference conversion to exist. It must also have an implicit identity or reference conversion to a type T0 that has an identity conversion to T.

Here's a breakdown of why this is necessary:

  • Identity Conversions: An identity conversion is a conversion that does not change the value or type of the object. For example, converting an object of type string to another string is an identity conversion.
  • Reference Conversions: A reference conversion allows you to convert a reference of one type to a reference of another type, as long as there is a relationship between the types (e.g., a base class and its derived class).
  • Implicit Conversions: Implicit conversions are conversions that the compiler can perform automatically without requiring an explicit cast.

The specification's wording ensures that an implicit reference conversion only occurs when there is a clear and unambiguous path from the source type to the target type. This prevents unexpected behavior and potential runtime errors.


Consider a scenario where you have a base class Animal and a derived class Dog. You could have an implicit conversion from Dog to Animal because Dog inherits from Animal. However, you wouldn't want an implicit conversion from Animal to Dog. This could lead to unexpected behavior if you attempted to use an Animal object as a Dog object.

The specification's wording prevents this scenario by requiring an intermediate type (T0) that has an identity conversion to the target type (T). In this example, Animal would be the intermediate type (T0) that has an identity conversion to Animal (the target type T).

In summary: The C# specification's wording is necessary to ensure that implicit reference conversions only occur when there is a clear and unambiguous path from the source type to the target type, preventing potential runtime errors.

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If an identity conversion exists from S to T, must it be that S and T are same type?

The oddity you've discovered in the spec arose as a result of adding dynamic to the language in C# 4.0. At runtime there is no such thing as dynamic; rather, dynamic is just a type that means "I'm really object; please defer analysis of this portion of the program until runtime".

Therefore there is an between, say, List<object> and List<dynamic>. From the C# compiler's perspective they are different types because myList[0].Frob() would give an error for the former but not the latter. But from the runtime's perspective they are identical. Therefore the C# language classifies the conversion from one to the other as an identity conversion. At compile time the types can be different for the purposes of the C# language, but from the runtime's perspective they will be identical.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

If an identity conversion exists from S to T, must it be that S and T are same type?

The oddity you've discovered in the spec arose as a result of adding dynamic to the language in C# 4.0. At runtime there is no such thing as dynamic; rather, dynamic is just a type that means "I'm really object; please defer analysis of this portion of the program until runtime".

Therefore there is an between, say, List<object> and List<dynamic>. From the C# compiler's perspective they are different types because myList[0].Frob() would give an error for the former but not the latter. But from the runtime's perspective they are identical. Therefore the C# language classifies the conversion from one to the other as an identity conversion. At compile time the types can be different for the purposes of the C# language, but from the runtime's perspective they will be identical.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

The C# language specification wording is correct. Your simplified version would make the specification incorrect.

Consider these classes:

class Animal {}
class Mammal : Animal {}
class Reptile : Animal {}
class Dog : Mammal {}

Your wording would allow this:

Animal a = new Dog(); 
Reptile r = a; // Not allowed in C#!

The a variable is a Dog, and Dog implicitly converts to Animal. Your wording would allow that Animal to then be converted to Reptile, even though a Dog is not a Reptile.

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Grade: B

I can provide some insights on this topic. The specification you mentioned is the C# Language Specification, and it describes the rules for implicit reference conversions.

In the section you mentioned, we see that if there is an implicit identity or reference conversion between two reference types S and T, then there must also be an implicit identity conversion from S to T. This is a more specific rule than simply requiring a reference conversion. The reason for this rule is that the compiler needs to ensure that the object being converted has not been modified since it was assigned to S. If the conversion from S to T were allowed, then the compiler would have no way of knowing whether the object has changed or not.

So, while the rule does allow for implicit conversions between reference types S and T if there is an identity or reference conversion available, this rule is actually a more strict requirement than simply requiring a reference conversion. The compiler needs to ensure that the object being converted has not been modified since it was assigned to S in order to avoid unintended consequences.

Regarding your question about why they didn't use a simpler statement like "From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to T," there are a few reasons for this.

First, the specification is written in a formal way that emphasizes the requirements and rules for implicit conversions, rather than just providing a simple list of possible conversions. This is important because the compiler needs to know exactly how to handle certain situations in order to be able to correctly compile code.

Second, while the simpler statement you mentioned would allow for some conversions that may not actually make sense in certain contexts, it could also potentially allow for more conversions than are actually possible due to certain rules being relaxed or ambiguities in the language definition. By using a more specific rule like the one I mentioned earlier, the specification can be clearer and more accurate about what conversions are allowed and how they should behave in different situations.

Finally, while there may not be a significant difference between the two statements you provided from a practical perspective, the more detailed specification can also provide more information about the language design and intent behind it.

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Grade: B

The phrase “an implicit reference conversion exists from S to T” in section 6.1.6 of C# language specification indicates there could exist such a conversion not necessarily between the same type (S & T). The sentence specifically refers to conversions that include "implicit" identity or reference conversion, and the condition is applicable when an object can be converted through several steps, like having an implicit conversion to some intermediate type before finally achieving the desired conversion.

The phrase “From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to T” you mentioned simply provides a clearer explanation without saying there would necessarily need to be same types for both sides of the expression - while it may not provide more specificity in some cases.

Without further context, these two phrases could represent essentially the same idea and mean exactly the same thing: if object S has an implicit conversion sequence that leads to T, then we say there is a reference/identity conversion from S to T.

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Grade: B

Sure. The updated question is:

In 6.1.6. of the C# language specification, there is:

An implicit conversion exists from any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to a reference-type T0 and T0 has an identity conversion to T.

There is a factual difference in the original specification. It says that an implicit conversion exists from any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to a reference-type T0 and T0 has an identity conversion to T. This means that the two types must be the same type.

The updated specification is clearer and more specific in its wording.

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Grade: B

The text you provided describes implicit reference conversions in C#.

Here's a breakdown of the text:

1. Identity conversion:

  • The text mentions "identity conversion" which refers to a conversion that preserves the identity of an object.

2. Reference conversion:

  • It also mentions "reference conversion" which converts a reference type object to another reference type object.

3. S and T being the same type:

  • The text states that if there is an identity conversion from S to T, then S and T are the same type. This statement is incorrect.

The corrected text:

An implicit reference conversion exists from any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to a reference-type T0 and T0 has an identity conversion to T.

With this correction, the text is more accurate. It correctly states that an implicit reference conversion exists from S to T if there is an identity conversion from T0 to T and T0 has an identity conversion to T. S and T are not necessarily the same type.


  • An implicit reference conversion exists from S to T if S has an implicit identity or reference conversion to T0 and T0 has an identity conversion to T.
  • S and T are not necessarily the same type.

Additional notes:

  • The original text incorrectly stated "The implicit reference conversion are" instead of "An implicit reference conversion exists." This error could potentially be significant as it misled the understanding of the text.
  • The corrected text accurately reflects the actual meaning of the specification and clarifies the relationship between S, T, T0 and their respective conversions.
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Grade: B

The specification you provided indeed describes multiple implicit reference conversions, not just one. The difference in the statement you mentioned comes from the fact that there can be multiple intermediary types involved in an identity or reference conversion.

To clarify, let's break down the terms:

  • Identity conversion: A conversion where the source type and the destination type are exactly the same. For example, int myNumber = 5; long anotherNumber = (long)myNumber; is not an identity conversion because int and long are different types. However, if we have a base class Base and two derived classes Derived1 and Derived2, where Derived1 : Base and Derived2 : Derived1, then an object of type Derived1 can be implicitly converted to an object of type Base (identity conversion) or to an object of type Derived2.
  • Reference conversion: A conversion where the source object is a variable or expression that represents a reference to an instance of a class and the destination type is a different reference type. This is also called "boxing and unboxing" for value types (for example, converting a value type int to an object). For reference types, it simply involves assigning a variable of one type to a variable of another type, which in most cases doesn't require an explicit conversion since C# performs these conversions implicitly.

The first part of the specification you quoted: "From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an identity or reference conversion to a reference-type T0 and T0 has an identity conversion to T" implies that there might be multiple intermediary types involved in the conversion, making the statement more accurate.

However, as you rightly pointed out, if we only want to express the existence of an implicit conversion from one type to another without considering possible intermediate steps, it would indeed be simpler to just say "From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to T."

However, your initial question was not about implicit conversions in general but specifically about identity conversions. In that context, the statement you provided from the C# language specification is correct, and there's no factual difference between it and a simpler statement expressing only the existence of an identity conversion to a specific type. The latter might be less clear if we consider multiple intermediate types but should hold true for any single identity or reference conversion as well.

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Grade: B

I'm glad you're asking for clarification on the C# language specification. To answer your question, let's break down the language specification and explore the difference between the two statements.

The original statement from the C# specification is:

The implicit reference conversions are:(...) From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to a reference-type T0 and T0 has an identity conversion to T.

You suggested a simpler version:

From any reference-type to a reference-type T if it has an implicit identity or reference conversion to T.

First, let's define the terms:

  1. Identity conversion: A conversion between two types that requires no runtime overhead. For example, conversions between numeric types where the value doesn't change, or between a derived class and its base class.
  2. Reference conversion: A conversion between reference types that doesn't require a runtime check to ensure that the object being referred to has the correct type.

Now, let's compare the two statements.

The original statement from the specification has an additional requirement for the implicit reference conversion:

T0 has an identity conversion to T

This requirement ensures that the destination type (T) can accept the source type (the original reference-type) without losing information. In other words, the destination type must be able to represent all possible values of the source type.

Your suggested statement does not include this requirement. Therefore, if your version were used in the specification, it would allow conversions where the destination type (T) can't represent all possible values of the source type.

Consider an example:

Given a base class Animal and a derived class Dog, your suggested statement would allow an implicit reference conversion from Dog to Animal[] (an array of animals). However, this conversion is not valid since a single Dog instance cannot be implicitly converted to an array of Animal objects.

In conclusion, the original statement from the specification is more restrictive and accurately reflects the actual conversion requirements. The addition of "T0 has an identity conversion to T" is crucial for ensuring that the implicit reference conversion is valid and can represent all possible values.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

The two statements are not equivalent. The first one states that if there is an implicit identity conversion from S to T0, and an identity conversion from T0 to T, then there is an implicit identity conversion from S to T. The second one states that if there is an implicit identity conversion or reference conversion from S to T, then there is an implicit identity conversion from S to T.

The difference is that the second statement allows for the possibility of an implicit reference conversion from S to T, while the first statement does not. An implicit reference conversion is a conversion that is performed automatically by the compiler when a value of one type is assigned to a variable of another type. Identity conversions are a special type of implicit reference conversion that occurs when the source and destination types are the same.

For example, the following code compiles without errors:

class A {}
class B : A {}

B b = new B();
A a = b;

This is because there is an implicit reference conversion from B to A. However, if we try to compile the following code, we will get an error:

class A {}
class B {}

B b = new B();
A a = b;

This is because there is no implicit identity conversion from B to A.

Therefore, the two statements are not equivalent. The first statement is more restrictive than the second statement.

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Grade: D

The specific wording in the C# language specification does not necessarily indicate whether two reference types are of the same type or different types. However, in practice, it would be reasonable to assume that an implicit identity conversion between two reference types is more likely to result in a reference-to relationship (i.


To elaborate on @kolya_manor's comment: the C# language spec has three levels of reference type safety checks, and this part of the language definition sets the threshold for all three; there are several references where this is used in practice to define types which may or may not be "identical" but nonetheless are "compatible". At a high level: The first check (C# allows primitive and non-primitive data types) checks whether the passed type can hold exactly what's expected, with no other objects holding that object. This is usually enough for most basic cases to work without issue. The second check is about "references", where a reference checks that you haven't used an assignment operator on any variable within your application. It does so by looking at the value of that reference to ensure it contains only primitives, arrays and null. This means references will not allow other reference types to be passed as input (e.g., passing a pointer is illegal), and any references are automatically updated when their "target" object changes; in this way they can keep track of the type-safety threshold check from the first level (but there are special cases for null references, and the behavior of garbage collection will cause issues). The third reference type check is where implicit types come into play. It does not have the benefit of looking at an assignment operation to check whether you've created a copy or something else, but it allows for a comparison on a safe distance between two objects in memory (as long as both are valid and there aren't any references within those values). As such: For C# code that is "fully functional" by design and relies entirely upon the checks being performed at this level to ensure safe execution; it's highly unlikely you'll see something like s = t.ref, where reference types can be swapped safely and the reference conversion is simply an implicit operation taking advantage of this relationship for performance purposes (like in your example). On the other hand, there are times when a reference type needs to be able to be created, modified and passed between references within the same scope without breaking any type-safety requirements - those that would normally prohibit it from being used in a specific situation (e.g., passing pointer values to methods) but nonetheless need to work correctly under certain circumstances where this is acceptable by C# language specification; for these types of "references" you'll see reference conversion be applied explicitly and within the range of other implicit conversions as described above, so s = t.ref will result in a completely valid (and likely surprising for someone not well versed in this area). In your question: In C# 6.1.6 is it possible that an identity conversion exists from S to T if they are different types? This would violate implicit type safety and is unsafe, and as such is unlikely to happen within a single scope of the current context (with regards to assignment operations). That said - in "intermediate" code, references will still have their own explicit reference check that checks for safety prior to being passed into a function which can safely call/update other variable values using pointers or any type of pointer. This would be acceptable even when passing them to reference conversions (as long as they aren't shared between functions), since this check is safe. There are situations where this occurs; like in "static" C# code - i.e., with no explicit reference checks within the same context, where both the variables are already initialized with a non-reference type, but if you want to avoid creating an instance of that type (e.g., because it isn't supported by your application) then there's still a safety check being applied before using them in a function that accepts references - these are typically known as "refs". As for how exactly this would work; here's an example from C# Reference Conversions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/language/reference-conversions // This code will be called to return a reference value public int ReturnIdentity(int i) { // An implicit conversion will occur during the pass, returning a pointer to that object - // because you've already converted it. }

// And this one will use explicit referencing for safety; passing in a reference as input here is fine. // The above method would throw an exception (and should be caught and handled) if we passed in a different type instead. public void ReferenceAssignment(int[] i) { var j = i[0]; // Here, the implicit conversion has taken place to return a pointer to the first element of array i }

// As you can see here - because the 'refs' are already initialized (in both cases above), there isn't a reference check being made on the "target" objects prior to calling these methods. var s = ReturnIdentity(1); // 1 will be converted into an object and then passed as input - so that's what gets returned. // Here's another example which should work because they're already in valid/safe scope; i.e., references are allowed and do not interfere with other "references" within this context: var t = ReferenceAssignment(new int[] {1, 2, 3}); // 1 through 5 will get initialized on the fly and a reference will be returned to allow this pass of objects without running into any issues.

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Grade: D

The C# specification describes an implicit reference conversion. This means that if there exists an implicit identity or reference conversion between a type S and another type T0, and if T0 has an identity conversion to T, then S must be equal to T. So, there is no factual difference between the two versions you provided. However, as an AI language model, my primary focus is to provide accurate, relevant, and actionable advice on developer-related questions.