LayoutKind.Sequential not followed when substruct has LayoutKind.Explicit

asked11 years ago
last updated7 years ago
viewed2.6k times
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When running this code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace StructLayoutTest
    class Program
        unsafe static void Main()

            Sequential s = new Sequential();
            s.A = 2;
            s.B = 3;
            s.Bool = true;
            s.Long = 6;
            s.C.Int32a = 4;
            s.C.Int32b = 5;

            int* ptr = (int*)&s;
            Console.WriteLine(ptr[7]);  //NB!

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key");

        struct Explicit
            public int Int32a;
            public int Int32b;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
        struct Sequential
            public int A;
            public int B;
            public bool Bool;
            public long Long;
            public Explicit C;

(depending on x86 or x64)

2 3 1

4 5


2 3 1 4 5


2 3 1

4 5

  • The problem goes away when I remove the Bool field.
  • The problem goes away when I remove the Long field.
  • Note that on x64 it seems that the Pack=4 attribute parameter is ignored too?

This applies in .Net3.5 and also .Net4.0

I found a similar question: Why does LayoutKind.Sequential work differently if a struct contains a DateTime field? But in my case the layout changes even when the attribute of the substruct changes, without any changes to data types. So it does not look like an optimization. Besides that, I would like to point out that the other question is still unanswered. In that other question they mention that the layout is respected when using Marshalling. I havent tested that myself but I wonder why is the layout not respected for unsafe code, since all the relevant attributes seem to be in place? Does the documentation mention somewhere that these attributes are ignored unless Marshalling is done? Why? Considering this, can I even expect LayoutKind.Explicit to work reliably for unsafe code? Moreover, the documentation mentions the motive of keeping structs with expected layout:

To reduce layout-related problems associated with the Auto value, C#, Visual Basic, and C++ compilers specify Sequential layout for value types.

But this motive apparently does not apply to unsafe code?

12 Answers

Up Vote9Down Vote

From the MSDN Library article for LayoutKind enumeration:

The precise position of each member of an object is explicitly controlled, subject to the setting of the StructLayoutAttribute.Pack field. Each member must use the FieldOffsetAttribute to indicate the position of that field within the type.

Relevant phrase highlighted, this is not happening in this program, the pointer is still very much dereferencing managed memory.

And yes, what you are seeing is identical to what happens when a struct contains a member of type DateTime, a type that has [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)] applied. The field marshaller code in the CLR that determines layout makes an effort to honor LayoutKind.Sequential for managed structs as well. But it will quickly give up without a squeal if it encounters any member that conflicts with this goal. A struct that itself is not sequential is sufficient for that. You can see this being done in the SSCLI20 source, src/clr/vm/fieldmarshaler.cpp, search for fDisqualifyFromManagedSequential

Which will make it switch to automatic layout, the same layout rule that's applied to classes. It rearranges fields to minimize the padding between members. With the net effect that the amount of memory required is smaller. There are 7 bytes of padding after the "Bool" member, unused space to get the "Long" member aligned to an address that's a multiple of 8. Very wasteful of course, it fixes that by making the long the first member in the layout.

So instead of the explicit layout with /* offset - size */ annotated:

public int A;        /*  0 - 4 */
        public int B;        /*  4 - 4 */
        public bool Bool;    /*  8 - 1 */
        // padding           /*  9 - 7 */
        public long Long;    /* 16 - 8 */
        public Explicit C;   /* 24 - 8 */
                     /* Total:  32     */

It comes up with:

public long Long;    /*  0 - 8 */
        public int A;        /*  8 - 4 */
        public int B;        /* 12 - 4 */
        public bool Bool;    /* 16 - 1 */
        // padding           /* 17 - 3 */
        public Explicit C;   /* 20 - 8 */
                     /* Total:  28     */

With an easy 4 bytes of memory saved. The 64-bit layout requires additional padding to ensure that the long is still aligned when it is stored in an array. This is all highly undocumented and subject to change, be sure to never take a dependency on managed memory layout. Only Marshal.StructureToPtr() can give you a guarantee.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

From the MSDN Library article for LayoutKind enumeration:

The precise position of each member of an object is explicitly controlled, subject to the setting of the StructLayoutAttribute.Pack field. Each member must use the FieldOffsetAttribute to indicate the position of that field within the type.

Relevant phrase highlighted, this is not happening in this program, the pointer is still very much dereferencing managed memory.

And yes, what you are seeing is identical to what happens when a struct contains a member of type DateTime, a type that has [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)] applied. The field marshaller code in the CLR that determines layout makes an effort to honor LayoutKind.Sequential for managed structs as well. But it will quickly give up without a squeal if it encounters any member that conflicts with this goal. A struct that itself is not sequential is sufficient for that. You can see this being done in the SSCLI20 source, src/clr/vm/fieldmarshaler.cpp, search for fDisqualifyFromManagedSequential

Which will make it switch to automatic layout, the same layout rule that's applied to classes. It rearranges fields to minimize the padding between members. With the net effect that the amount of memory required is smaller. There are 7 bytes of padding after the "Bool" member, unused space to get the "Long" member aligned to an address that's a multiple of 8. Very wasteful of course, it fixes that by making the long the first member in the layout.

So instead of the explicit layout with /* offset - size */ annotated:

public int A;        /*  0 - 4 */
        public int B;        /*  4 - 4 */
        public bool Bool;    /*  8 - 1 */
        // padding           /*  9 - 7 */
        public long Long;    /* 16 - 8 */
        public Explicit C;   /* 24 - 8 */
                     /* Total:  32     */

It comes up with:

public long Long;    /*  0 - 8 */
        public int A;        /*  8 - 4 */
        public int B;        /* 12 - 4 */
        public bool Bool;    /* 16 - 1 */
        // padding           /* 17 - 3 */
        public Explicit C;   /* 20 - 8 */
                     /* Total:  28     */

With an easy 4 bytes of memory saved. The 64-bit layout requires additional padding to ensure that the long is still aligned when it is stored in an array. This is all highly undocumented and subject to change, be sure to never take a dependency on managed memory layout. Only Marshal.StructureToPtr() can give you a guarantee.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

LayoutKind.Sequential Not Followed When Substruct Has LayoutKind.Explicit

Your code snippet showcases the complexities surrounding LayoutKind.Sequential and LayoutKind.Explicit in unsafe code. Here's a breakdown of your findings:


  • The layout defined by Sequential struct is not followed precisely when there's a nested substruct with LayoutKind.Explicit.
  • Removing either Bool or Long fields fixes the problem.
  • This issue exists in .Net 3.5 and 4.0 for both x86 and x64 platforms.

Possible explanations:

  • Pack attribute ignored: The Pack attribute specifying a size of 4 seems to be ignored in unsafe code, which could explain the misaligned layout.
  • Marshaling vs. unsafe code: Unlike the managed marshalling scenario discussed in the other question, unsafe code bypasses the marshaling layer, leading to unpredictable layout behavior.
  • Motive mismatch: The documented motive for using LayoutKind.Sequential applies more to managed code, where the goal is to reduce layout-related issues. In contrast, unsafe code deals with raw memory pointers, where precise layout adherence is essential.


  • Why is the layout not respected for unsafe code even when LayoutKind.Sequential and Pack attributes are specified?
  • Does the documentation explicitly state that attributes like LayoutKind and Pack are ignored in unsafe code?
  • Is LayoutKind.Explicit reliable for unsafe code, considering the current findings and the documented motive?


LayoutKind.Sequential is not consistently followed in unsafe code when a substruct has LayoutKind.Explicit. This behavior is inconsistent and needs further investigation. The documented motive for using Sequential layout does not necessarily apply to unsafe code, as it involves different concerns.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

It seems that you're experiencing an issue with the LayoutKind.Sequential and LayoutKind.Explicit attributes in your C# structs when using unsafe code. Based on the information you have provided, I cannot definitively explain why this is happening without delving deeper into the .NET runtime implementation and the specific details of how the memory layout is managed for these types during unsafe operations.

There are a few things to note from your post:

  1. The issue only appears when you have a struct with LayoutKind.Sequential containing an inner struct with LayoutKind.Explicit.
  2. Changing the data types within the structs doesn't affect the behavior.
  3. On x64, it seems that the Pack = 4 attribute parameter is ignored.

As you mentioned, there is a similar question on Stack Overflow about different layouts when working with structs and DateTime types. In your case, removing fields doesn't seem to solve the issue, which makes it distinct from that question.

Regarding your questions:

  1. The behavior of LayoutKind.Sequential and LayoutKind.Explicit attributes might be different when using unsafe code due to optimizations or specific implementation details in .NET. I couldn't find any official documentation stating that these attributes are ignored unless marshalling is done, but it seems plausible based on your observation.
  2. It might not be safe to expect LayoutKind.Explicit to work reliably for unsafe code because the behavior you're experiencing shows that there can be unexpected differences between what's specified with these attributes and the actual memory layout during unsafe operations.
  3. The motivation behind keeping structs with expected layout in the .NET Framework is to prevent layout-related problems associated with the Auto value in compiled languages. However, it appears that this motivation does not apply to unsafe code based on your observations.

In summary, I can't definitively answer why you are experiencing this issue or provide a solution, but I hope shedding some light on related topics and discussions will help guide your investigation. If you have access to the .NET runtime source code or additional resources, it might be worth exploring further there to understand the cause of this behavior.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

It seems you're encountering an issue with struct layout and field alignment in unsafe code. This behavior is expected but can be confusing. I'll try to explain the reasons for this behavior and if there are any workarounds.

First, let's clarify a few concepts:

  • Structs with LayoutKind.Sequential are laid out in memory in the order they are defined, with no padding between fields unless required for alignment purposes.
  • LayoutKind.Explicit allows you to specify field offsets explicitly, possibly causing fields to overlap.
  • The Pack attribute affects the alignment of the struct fields. A value of 4 means that each field starts at an address that's a multiple of 4.

Now, let's look at your example:

  • Sequential struct has 5 fields, with a total size of 24 bytes (4 bytes for A, 4 bytes for B, 1 byte for Bool, 8 bytes for Long, and 7 bytes for Explicit, which is padded to 8 bytes due to Pack=4).
  • The first four fields (A, B, Bool, and Long) require 16 bytes (4+4+1+7), and the next field (C) should start at an address that's a multiple of 4, as specified by Pack=4.
  • However, if you remove the Bool field, the first four fields only require 12 bytes (4+4+4), and the Long field can start immediately after them.
  • Similarly, if you remove the Long field, the first four fields require 16 bytes, and the Explicit field can start immediately after them.

In summary, the layout issue you're encountering is caused by the combination of Pack=4, bool (1-byte alignment), and long (8-byte alignment) fields, leading to a rearrangement of fields in memory to satisfy alignment requirements.

Regarding your questions:

I wonder why is the layout not respected for unsafe code, since all the relevant attributes seem to be in place?

The layout is "respected" for unsafe code; it's just that the alignment is also enforced. Unsafe code allows you to work with memory at a lower level, but you still need to be aware of alignment and padding issues.

Considering this, can I even expect LayoutKind.Explicit to work reliably for unsafe code?

Yes, you can expect LayoutKind.Explicit to work reliably for unsafe code as long as you're aware of and handle alignment and padding issues.

Moreover, the documentation mentions the motive of keeping structs with expected layout:

"To reduce layout-related problems associated with the Auto value, C#, Visual Basic, and C++ compilers specify Sequential layout for value types."

The documentation is generally targeted at safe code, and alignment is less of a concern for most developers. However, when working with unsafe code, you need to consider alignment and padding.

If the current behavior causes issues for your use case, you might consider using a workaround that better suits your needs, such as:

  • Changing the order of fields in the struct
  • Avoiding using bool and long in the same struct
  • Using Pack=8 or other values to change the alignment

In general, when using unsafe code, you should be prepared to manage memory layout manually while still respecting alignment constraints.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

Analysis of the Problem

The issue lies in the behavior of LayoutKind.Sequential when applied to structs containing unsafe fields. While the layout is expected to follow the order of the declared fields, the compiler apparently ignores this behavior for unsafe types.

Here's the breakdown:

1. Problem with the Bool field: Removing the Bool field allows the layout to follow the order of the A, B, C.Int32a, and C.Int32b fields, resulting in the expected output.

2. Problem with the Long field: Removing the Long field also allows the layout to follow the expected order. However, this is likely an accident, and the compiler should respect the declared layout for unsafe types as well.

3. Ignore of LayoutKind.Explicit for unsafe code: As you mentioned, the LayoutKind.Explicit attribute is not respected for unsafe code. This is likely due to the compiler's inability to infer the layout of unsafe types based on the specified attribute.

4. Implications of ignoring LayoutKind.Explicit:

The behavior of LayoutKind.Explicit suggests that the layout layout is not guaranteed to follow the declared order for unsafe types. This could lead to unexpected results or crashes.

5. Limitations of LayoutKind.Explicit:

While LayoutKind.Explicit might seem like an option for optimizing layout for unsafe types, it should not be relied upon. The compiler may ignore it and use its best effort to layout the struct as if it were a normal struct. This may result in the observed behavior you described.


The observed behavior is unexpected and appears to be a compiler bug. While the LayoutKind.Explicit attribute is mentioned as an optimization option for unsafe structs, it should not be used in this scenario. Use LayoutKind.Sequential with caution and only if the layout order is absolutely necessary.

Additional Points to Consider:

  • The provided code relies on the Marshaling attribute, which is not relevant for unsafe code. This could be a potential source of confusion or error.
  • The documentation does mention the importance of considering the layout implications of unsafe types, but the specific behavior of LayoutKind.Explicit is not explicitly mentioned.


Avoid using LayoutKind.Explicit for unsafe structs and explore other optimization techniques that do not involve layout considerations.

Up Vote5Down Vote
Grade: C

The issue you're facing is due to the fact that when using LayoutKind.Explicit on a struct, all fields of the struct must have an explicit offset specified using the FieldOffset attribute. If one or more fields are missing an offset, the .NET runtime will automatically assign offsets based on the size of the previous fields. However, since your Sequential struct has a Bool field that does not specify an offset, the runtime assigns an offset to this field, and the offset assigned is not compatible with the layout you expect.

To resolve this issue, you can either specify offsets for all fields in the Explicit struct or use LayoutKind.Sequential instead of LayoutKind.Explicit. Using LayoutKind.Sequential will allow the runtime to assign offsets automatically based on the size of previous fields, which is what you're looking for in this case.

Here's an updated version of your code that uses LayoutKind.Sequential and works as expected:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace StructLayoutTest
    class Program
        unsafe static void Main()

            Sequential s = new Sequential();
            s.A = 2;
            s.B = 3;
            s.C.Int32a = 4;
            s.C.Int32b = 5;

            int* ptr = (int*)&s;

        struct Sequential
            public int A;
            public int B;
            public Explicit C;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
        struct Explicit
            public int Int32a;
            public int Int32b;




In this updated code, we've removed the bool and long fields from the Sequential struct and added the offsets for the Explicit struct using the FieldOffset attribute. This allows us to use LayoutKind.Explicit on the Explicit struct while still maintaining the sequential layout we want.

As for your other questions:

  1. Yes, this is a known issue that can be caused by the runtime assigning an offset to the bool field that doesn't match what you expect. You can try specifying offsets manually using the FieldOffset attribute on the bool field like we did with the Explicit struct, or you can use LayoutKind.Sequential instead of LayoutKind.Explicit to work around this issue.
  2. Yes, it looks like the Pack=4 attribute parameter is ignored when using unsafe code on x64 platforms. I'm not sure why that is, but you may need to use a different packing value or find another way to achieve your desired layout.
  3. Yes, the documentation mentions that structs with expected layout are optimized for performance by the compiler, which can include reducing the number of bytes used in memory to align fields properly. However, this optimization is not relevant to your issue since you're experiencing unexpected behavior due to the runtime assigning offsets based on the size of previous fields rather than what you expect.
Up Vote5Down Vote
Grade: C
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace StructLayoutTest
    class Program
        unsafe static void Main()

            Sequential s = new Sequential();
            s.A = 2;
            s.B = 3;
            s.Bool = true;
            s.Long = 6;
            s.C.Int32a = 4;
            s.C.Int32b = 5;

            int* ptr = (int*)&s;
            Console.WriteLine(ptr[7]);  //NB!

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key");

        struct Explicit
            public int Int32a;
            public int Int32b;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
        struct Sequential
            public int A;
            public int B;
            public bool Bool;
            public long Long;
            public Explicit C;
  • The problem is that the Bool and Long fields in the Sequential struct are not aligned on 4-byte boundaries. This is because the Explicit struct is not aligned on 4-byte boundaries.
  • To fix the problem, you can either:
    • Change the LayoutKind of the Explicit struct to Sequential.
    • Change the Pack value of the Sequential struct to 1.
  • The Pack value of the Sequential struct is ignored on x64 because the default alignment is already 8 bytes.
  • The documentation does not mention that LayoutKind.Explicit is not reliable for unsafe code. However, it is important to note that LayoutKind.Explicit is only guaranteed to work correctly when used with marshalling.
  • The motive of keeping structs with expected layout is to reduce layout-related problems associated with the Auto value. This does not apply to unsafe code because the layout is controlled by the programmer.
Up Vote3Down Vote
Grade: C

The problem you're experiencing comes from the way struct layout is managed in unsafe code in C#. When using LayoutKind.Explicit with an embedded struct (like in your case), it does not guarantee proper packing or order of fields, which could cause problems especially if you use pointers to directly access the fields without using the defined offsets.

To circumvent these issues, a more reliable way is to define your layouts manually by controlling the positions of individual elements with FieldOffset attributes and then accessing them through suitable interop services for marshalling. The documentation states that [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.)] attribute should be used alongside LayoutKind.Sequential, which makes it possible to specify how each member is represented in unmanaged code.

So your updated Sequential struct may look like this:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
struct Sequential
    public int A;
    [FieldOffset(0)] // Assuming that bool should be stored at position 0 in the sequence
    public bool Bool;

Please note that unsafe code still does not fully respect LayoutKind attributes, it may have its own quirks when working with embedded structs. This is a well-known issue and there isn't much you can do about it until Microsoft improves the support for this in C#.

If you are performing interop with unmanaged code or if your performance is crucial, consider using platform invocations to control layout yourself (P/Invoke), where LayoutKind attribute plays its role and gives better results.

Up Vote3Down Vote
Grade: C

The problem is that the compiler is not able to correctly calculate the offset of the C field in the Sequential struct when the C field is of type Explicit. This is because the compiler does not know the size of the Explicit struct at compile time.

To fix the problem, you can use the FieldOffset attribute to explicitly specify the offset of the C field in the Sequential struct. For example:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
struct Sequential
    public int A;
    public int B;
    public bool Bool;
    public long Long;
    public Explicit C;

This will tell the compiler that the C field is located at offset 16 in the Sequential struct.

Alternatively, you can use the MarshalAs attribute to specify how the C field should be marshaled. For example:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
struct Sequential
    public int A;
    public int B;
    public bool Bool;
    public long Long;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    public int[] C;

This will tell the compiler that the C field should be marshaled as an array of two integers.

Note that the Pack attribute is ignored on x64 platforms. This is because the x64 calling convention does not require structures to be packed.

Finally, it is important to note that the LayoutKind.Explicit attribute is not supported for unsafe code. This is because unsafe code allows you to directly access the memory of a struct, which can lead to undefined behavior if the struct's layout is not as expected.

Up Vote3Down Vote
Grade: C

It appears that the layout of structs in C# is not respected when using unsafe code. However, the documentation mentions that the motive of keeping structs with expected layout is to reduce layout-related problems associated with the Auto value, C#, Visual Basic, and C++ compilers specify Sequential layout for value types. In your case, if you want to keep the expected layout of your struct, you should consider using Marshalling. This will ensure that the layout of your struct is respected, even when using unsafe code.

Up Vote2Down Vote
Grade: D

I think it would be reasonable to assume that the intention of providing LayoutKind.Explicit for structs is mainly focused on .NET versions where marshalling is performed. In these cases you can use this field type in order to have an expected layout. This makes your life easier if you want to read or write a class file, and don't want to worry about what the memory layout would be when it is accessed/modified by any of the available compilers (C, .NET, Visual C++). Note that there are several aspects where the compiler has to optimize code, for example: if you have two structs which hold the same fields and each field has different sizes. In such cases you could define a SequenceType in your class file, so that the fields are arranged as expected by all compilers. When reading or writing these classes via marshalling/unmarshalling you will not even notice any layout differences. In unsafe code it is difficult to determine where the boundaries between sequences and other data structures lies, and most likely this information would be taken into consideration only in case of error messages. That's why I think it makes sense to keep structs with LayoutKind.Explicit. My advice is to have a look at this article on how unsafe code can affect performance ( It may help you see how it is actually being implemented, and if the benefits are worth using unsafe features.


It's because unsafe code does not know what fields are in which structure when accessing an instance of a class. The only way to do that would be to use Marshal.Marshal method (or by calling the GetFields/GetType methods) on the data. The fact is you don't need LayoutKind at all; just define your fields, and let the compiler handle things for you.