14 Answers

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Grade: A

Resolving merge conflicts in Git is a common task that developers encounter when working on collaborative projects. A merge conflict occurs when two or more branches have made changes to the same lines of code, and Git is unable to automatically merge them. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to resolve merge conflicts:

  1. Identify the merge conflict: When you try to merge two branches, Git will notify you if there are any conflicts. The conflicting files will be marked with conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>>).

  2. Open the conflicting file(s): Use your text editor or IDE to open the file(s) containing the merge conflicts.

  3. Analyze the conflicts: Look for the conflict markers in the file(s). The lines between <<<<<<< and ======= are the changes from your current branch, and the lines between ======= and >>>>>>> are the changes from the branch you're merging.

  4. Resolve the conflicts: Decide which changes you want to keep. You can choose to keep your changes, the changes from the other branch, or a combination of both. Remove the conflict markers and edit the file(s) accordingly.

  5. Stage the resolved file(s): After resolving the conflicts in the file(s), stage the changes using the git add command:

    git add <file1> <file2> ...
  6. Commit the merge: Once you've staged all the resolved files, commit the merge with a descriptive commit message:

    git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts"
  7. Push the changes: If you're working on a remote repository, push the resolved merge to the remote branch:

    git push

Here's an example of what a merge conflict might look like in a file:

<<<<<<< HEAD
// This is the code from your current branch
console.log("Hello, World!");
// This is the code from the branch you're merging
console.log("Hello, Git!");
>>>>>>> branch-to-merge

To resolve this conflict, you might choose to keep the code from your current branch:

console.log("Hello, World!");

Or, you might decide to keep the code from the branch you're merging:

console.log("Hello, Git!");

Alternatively, you could combine both changes:

console.log("Hello, World!");
console.log("Hello, Git!");

It's important to carefully review each conflict and make sure that the resolved code is correct and consistent with the intended functionality.

If you're using a graphical Git client or an IDE with built-in Git support, it may provide a more user-friendly interface for resolving merge conflicts. However, understanding the underlying concepts and commands is still valuable, especially when working with complex merge scenarios or resolving conflicts from the command line.

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Grade: A

Resolving Merge Conflicts in a Git Repository

Step 1: Identify the Conflict:

  • Use the git status command to identify the affected files with merge conflicts.
  • Look for files with a conflicted status.

Step 2: Review Conflicting Versions:

  • Use the git show command to view the conflicting versions of the file.
  • Compare the two versions to identify the areas of conflict.

Step 3: Edit the Conflicted File:

  • Open the conflicted file in a text editor.
  • Resolve the conflicts manually, considering both versions and your desired changes.
  • Make sure to preserve the original content and resolve all conflicts.

Step 4: Commit and Push:

  • Once the conflicts are resolved, add the modified file to the commit using git add.
  • Commit the changes with a descriptive message.
  • Push the changes to the remote repository with git push.

Additional Tips:

  • Use a text editor that highlights conflicting lines for easier visibility.
  • If conflicts are extensive, consider creating a local branch to isolate and resolve them separately.
  • Use a diff tool to visually compare the conflicting versions.
  • Refer to the official Git documentation for detailed conflict resolution guidelines.


# Identify conflicted files
git status

# Review conflicting versions
git show <file_name>

# Edit the conflicted file
nano <file_name>

# Resolve conflicts and make changes

# Commit and push changes
git add <file_name>
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts"
git push

Common Causes of Merge Conflicts:

  • Different deletion patterns
  • Modified lines in different versions
  • Conflicting formatting or indentation
  • Renamed files or directories


  • Merge conflicts can occur when two or more developers contribute to the same file simultaneously.
  • Resolve merge conflicts carefully to maintain the consistency and integrity of your repository.
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Grade: A

To resolve merge conflicts in Git, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the conflicted files: After attempting a merge in Git, if there are any conflicts, Git will notify you of the affected files. You can check the status using git status. Conflicts are typically indicated by an A or M symbol followed by a <<<, >>>>, and |||| marker in the file names.

  2. Open the conflicted files: Use a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to open the files that Git has identified as having conflicts.

  3. Resolve the conflicts visually: In each conflicted file, look for sections marked with <<<, >>>>, and ||||. These markers represent the differences between your current branch and the one you're merging from. You need to manually edit the content to reconcile these changes.

    • The text between the <<< and >>> markers represents the changes made in your current branch, while the text between |||| markers represents changes from the branch you're merging.
    • Compare the two sections and decide which one should remain in the final merge result. You may choose to keep the content from one section and remove or modify the conflicting parts from the other section. Ensure that your resolved file is consistent and makes logical sense after resolving a conflict.
  4. Save and stage changes: Once you've resolved conflicts in a file, save the changes and use git add to stage the file for committing. If the merge still shows unresolved conflicts, Git will notify you that certain files are not fully staged. In such cases, you might need to resolve any remaining conflicts and stage them separately before proceeding with the commit.

  5. Commit: After all conflicts have been resolved, you can use git commit to finalize the merge process and create a new commit that includes the changes from both branches. Be sure to write an informative commit message describing the merges made.

  6. Push the changes: Finally, if your repository is configured for remote repositories like GitHub or GitLab, you should use git push to publish your updated code to the remote branch. This will make the changes available to other collaborators on the project.

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Grade: A

Merge conflicts in Git occur when you and another contributor have made changes to the same lines in a file, and Git can't automatically merge those changes. To resolve merge conflicts, follow these steps:

  1. Check the status of your Git repository: Use the command git status to see which files have conflicts.

    $ git status
    On branch main
    You have unmerged paths.
    (fix conflicts and then commit)
    Unmerged paths:
      (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
            both modified:   path/to/conflicted_file
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  2. Open the conflicted file(s): The conflicted file(s) will have markers indicating the conflicting sections. They look like this:

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    Conflicting line in your current branch.
    Conflicting line in the branch you're merging.
    >>>>>>> branch-name
  3. Resolve the conflicts: Edit the file and decide which changes to keep, and delete the conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>>). Save the file when you're done.

    Line that should be in the final version.
  4. Add the resolved file(s) to the staging area: Use the command git add <file> for each resolved file.

    $ git add path/to/conflicted_file
  5. Commit the resolved merge: Use the command git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict" to complete the merge.

    $ git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"
  6. Push your changes: Finally, push your changes to the remote repository using git push.

    $ git push

Remember, the key to resolving merge conflicts is carefully reviewing the conflicting changes and deciding which parts to keep based on your project's requirements.

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git mergetool

It opens a GUI that steps you through each conflict, and you get to choose how to merge. Sometimes it requires a bit of hand editing afterwards, but usually it's enough by itself. It is much better than doing the whole thing by hand certainly.

As per Josh Glover's comment:

[This command] doesn't necessarily open a GUI unless you install one. Running git mergetool for me resulted in vimdiff being used. You can install one of the following tools to use it instead: meld, opendiff, kdiff3, tkdiff, xxdiff, tortoisemerge, gvimdiff, diffuse, ecmerge, p4merge, araxis, vimdiff, emerge.

Below is a sample procedure using vimdiff to resolve merge conflicts, based on this link.

  1. Run the following commands in your terminal git config merge.tool vimdiff git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 git config mergetool.prompt false This will set vimdiff as the default merge tool.
  2. Run the following command in your terminal git mergetool
  3. You will see a vimdiff display in the following format: ╔═══════╦══════╦════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║

║ LOCAL ║ BASE ║ REMOTE ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═══════╩══════╩════════╣ ║ ║ ║ MERGED ║ ║ ║ ╚═══════════════════════╝ These 4 views are LOCAL: this is the file from the current branch BASE: the common ancestor, how this file looked before both changes REMOTE: the file you are merging into your branch MERGED: the merge result; this is what gets saved in the merge commit and used in the future You can navigate among these views using ctrl+w. You can directly reach the MERGED view using ctrl+w followed by j. More information about vimdiff navigation is here and here. 4. You can edit the MERGED view like this: If you want to get changes from REMOTE :diffg RE If you want to get changes from BASE :diffg BA If you want to get changes from LOCAL :diffg LO 5. Save, Exit, Commit, and Clean up :wqa save and exit from vi git commit -m "message" git clean Remove extra files (e.g. *.orig). Warning: It will remove all untracked files, if you won't pass any arguments.

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Grade: A

Resolving merge conflicts in a Git repository is a common task that developers often encounter. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to handle merge conflicts:

  1. Identify the Merge Conflict: When you try to merge two branches and Git detects a conflict, it will mark the conflicting areas in the affected files. You'll see the conflicting sections enclosed within special markers:
<<<<<<< HEAD
# Your changes
# Changes from the other branch
>>>>>>> other-branch
  1. Review the Conflicts: Examine the conflicting sections and decide which changes you want to keep. You may need to consult with the other team members who made the conflicting changes.

  2. Edit the Conflicting Files: Open the conflicting files in a text editor and manually resolve the conflicts by editing the code. Remove the conflict markers (<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>) and keep the changes you want to preserve.

  3. Stage the Resolved Conflicts: After resolving the conflicts, add the modified files to the staging area using the git add command.

    git add <conflicting-file>
  4. Commit the Resolved Conflicts: Once all conflicts have been resolved and staged, create a new commit to finalize the merge.

    git commit -m "Resolve merge conflicts"
  5. Push the Resolved Conflicts: If you were merging a remote branch, you'll need to push your resolved conflicts to the remote repository.

    git push

Here's an example of how you might resolve a merge conflict:

<<<<<<< HEAD
# Your changes
print("Hello, world!")
# Changes from the other branch
print("Goodbye, world!")
>>>>>>> other-branch

In this case, you would edit the file to keep the changes you want:

print("Hello, world!")

Then, you would add the file, commit the changes, and push the resolved conflict to the remote repository.

Remember, resolving merge conflicts may require collaboration with your team members, especially when the conflicting changes are complex. Take your time, carefully review the changes, and communicate with your team to ensure a successful merge.

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Grade: A

To resolve merge conflicts in a Git repository, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the conflicting files:

    • When you attempt to merge branches and encounter conflicts, Git will mark the conflicting files and halt the merge process.
    • Use the command git status to see which files have conflicts.
  2. Open the conflicting files in a text editor:

    • Open each file that has conflicts in your preferred text editor.
  3. Locate the conflict markers:

    • In the conflicting files, you will see conflict markers that indicate the conflicting changes.
    • The markers will look like this:
      <<<<<<< HEAD
      Your changes
      Changes from the other branch
      >>>>>>> branch-name
  4. Resolve the conflicts:

    • Manually edit the files to resolve the conflicts.
    • Remove the conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>) and keep the desired changes.
    • Make sure the file contents are in the state you want them to be after the merge.
  5. Stage the resolved files:

    • After resolving the conflicts, stage the modified files using the git add command. For example:
      git add file1.txt file2.txt
  6. Commit the changes:

    • Once all the conflicting files are staged, commit the changes to complete the merge:
      git commit -m "Resolve merge conflicts"
  7. Push the changes (if necessary):

    • If you're working on a remote repository and want to push the merged changes, use the git push command:
      git push origin branch-name

Here's an example of resolving a merge conflict in a file named example.txt:

  1. Open example.txt and locate the conflict markers:

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    This is the original content.
    This is the modified content from the other branch.
    >>>>>>> branch-name
  2. Resolve the conflict by editing the file:

    This is the resolved content.
  3. Stage the resolved file:

    git add example.txt
  4. Commit the changes:

    git commit -m "Resolve merge conflict in example.txt"

Remember to communicate with your team members if you encounter conflicts in files that multiple people are working on simultaneously. It's important to discuss and agree on the desired changes before resolving the conflicts.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully resolve merge conflicts in your Git repository.

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Grade: A

When Git detects merge conflicts, it prompts you to resolve the conflicts. Here is how to do this:

  1. Run git status - This will show the files with conflict(s)
  2. Open these files in a text editor and locate the area that looks something like this (You’ll need to identify where the conflicts begin and end):
<<< Your changes go here
... existing-content ...
>>> Their changes go here
  1. Modify the file content between Your changes and Their changes as per your decision about which changes should be preserved, delete or merged in. Make sure to keep track of all the changes that are being made at each stage while solving the conflict.
  2. When you’ve resolved these conflicts, save the file(s) and close them.
  3. Run git add . This will stage your resolved files for commit.
  4. Commit these resolved conflicts by using: git commit -m "Your detailed message about changes after resolving conflict"
  5. At this point all merge conflicts have been addressed. You can continue to push or merge your branch with other branches as usual, if no more conflicts are present you may proceed further with normal operations such as pulling, pushing etc.

Also note that understanding the context of changes would be beneficial in deciding which change needs to go where.

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Grade: A

Step 1: Inspect the Merge Conflict

  • Open the files with the merge conflicts in a text editor.
  • Identify the conflicting changes between the two branches.

Step 2: Manually Resolve the Conflicts

  • Decide which changes you want to keep from each branch.
  • Edit the files to merge the changes manually.
  • Ensure that the resolved file reflects the desired outcome.

Step 3: Mark the Conflicts as Resolved

  • Once the conflicts are resolved, stage the modified files using git add.
  • This marks the conflicts as resolved and prepares them for the next commit.

Step 4: Commit the Resolved Changes

  • Commit the changes with a clear commit message indicating that the merge conflicts have been resolved.
  • Example: git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts"

Additional Tips:

  • Use git diff to compare the conflicting files and identify the differences.
  • Use git mergetool to launch a graphical merge tool that can help resolve the conflicts.
  • Be careful not to introduce new conflicts when resolving existing ones.
  • Test the resolved changes to ensure they work as expected.


Let's say you have a merge conflict in the README.md file. Here's how you would resolve it:

# Step 1: Inspect the conflict
git diff README.md
# See the conflicting changes between the two branches

# Step 2: Resolve the conflict manually
vim README.md
# Edit the file and merge the changes

# Step 3: Mark the conflict as resolved
git add README.md

# Step 4: Commit the resolved changes
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict in README.md"
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Grade: A

Step 1: Identify the merge conflict

  • Open the affected file in a text editor.
  • Check the commit history and identify the changes made in each commit that caused the conflict.

Step 2: Resolve the merge conflict

  • Resolve conflicts by applying the changes from the parent commit on top of the changes from the child commit.
  • For example, if you have a branch named "feature" that was merged into "master", you can use the following commands:
git merge feature
git rm -r feature/*
git commit -m "Merged feature branch into master"

Step 3: Add and commit the changes

  • Add any resolved changes in the file.
  • Commit the changes to the repository with a descriptive message.

Step 4: Resolve conflicts in submodules

  • If you have submodules included in your Git repository, you may need to resolve conflicts in them as well.
  • You can use the git submodule update command to update the submodule and then resolve conflicts manually.

Step 5: Push the changes to a remote repository

  • Once you have resolved the conflicts, you can push the changes to a remote repository.

Tips for resolving merge conflicts:

  • Use a merge tool, such as git mergetool, to visualize and edit the changes.
  • Review the changes made in each commit to identify the root cause of the conflict.
  • Use descriptive commit messages to track the merge process.
  • Be patient, as resolving merge conflicts can take time, especially for large projects.

Additional notes:

  • You can use the git status command to see the current merge status of a file.
  • The git merge command will create a merge commit that includes the changes from both parent commits.
  • You can use the git merge -v option to get a verbose output of the merge process.
Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B


git mergetool

It opens a GUI that steps you through each conflict, and you get to choose how to merge. Sometimes it requires a bit of hand editing afterwards, but usually it's enough by itself. It is much better than doing the whole thing by hand certainly.

As per Josh Glover's comment:

[This command] doesn't necessarily open a GUI unless you install one. Running git mergetool for me resulted in vimdiff being used. You can install one of the following tools to use it instead: meld, opendiff, kdiff3, tkdiff, xxdiff, tortoisemerge, gvimdiff, diffuse, ecmerge, p4merge, araxis, vimdiff, emerge.

Below is a sample procedure using vimdiff to resolve merge conflicts, based on this link.

  1. Run the following commands in your terminal git config merge.tool vimdiff git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 git config mergetool.prompt false This will set vimdiff as the default merge tool.
  2. Run the following command in your terminal git mergetool
  3. You will see a vimdiff display in the following format: ╔═══════╦══════╦════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║

║ LOCAL ║ BASE ║ REMOTE ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠═══════╩══════╩════════╣ ║ ║ ║ MERGED ║ ║ ║ ╚═══════════════════════╝ These 4 views are LOCAL: this is the file from the current branch BASE: the common ancestor, how this file looked before both changes REMOTE: the file you are merging into your branch MERGED: the merge result; this is what gets saved in the merge commit and used in the future You can navigate among these views using ctrl+w. You can directly reach the MERGED view using ctrl+w followed by j. More information about vimdiff navigation is here and here. 4. You can edit the MERGED view like this: If you want to get changes from REMOTE :diffg RE If you want to get changes from BASE :diffg BA If you want to get changes from LOCAL :diffg LO 5. Save, Exit, Commit, and Clean up :wqa save and exit from vi git commit -m "message" git clean Remove extra files (e.g. *.orig). Warning: It will remove all untracked files, if you won't pass any arguments.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

Merging conflicts can be resolved using git merge tool. There are three general methods to resolve a Git repository conflict:

  • By using the interactive mode of git mergetool
  • By using git rerere
  • Using the commandline to resolve the conflicted file.
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Grade: F

Merging branches or commits in a Git repository can sometimes result in merge conflicts, where changes made to the same file in two different commits overlap each other. Here are some steps you can take to resolve merge conflicts:

  1. Identify the conflicting files by running git diff. This will show you which lines have been modified and how they differ from each other.
  2. Locate the specific sections of each line that cause a conflict, which can be done by using the diff --no-rename command.
  3. Resolve the conflict manually by comparing the conflicting sections and determining which one to keep in your local changeset or commit. You can either remove the conflicting section or change it to match the version being merged from the upstream repository.
  4. Update your local repository by committing the resolved changes and push them back to the remote repository. This will make your branch merge with the upstream repository as a whole, effectively resolving any remaining conflicts.

It's important to keep track of any changes made to the codebase during the merging process, either by using GitLab or similar tools like GitHub Issues or Github Pull Requests. This can help ensure that any potential conflicts are caught early on and resolved before committing to a full merge.

Let's consider you're working as a cloud engineer in an AI company. There are three teams A, B, C each working separately but within the same repository. They all have different codes that they might be able to help resolve the conflict mentioned above, however, there's only one issue currently open: resolving conflicts when merging branches or commits between them.

The rules are as follows:

  1. Team A can provide solutions for half of the merge conflicts, team B has a solution for a third and team C provides the last third.
  2. Team A cannot work on issues where Team B is involved because they have conflicting approaches to resolving issues.
  3. If Team B and Team C are both involved in solving an issue, they might end up with contradicting solutions, making it difficult to resolve conflicts.
  4. As a cloud engineer, you can manage two teams at once. However, any action taken by the team manager (including adding a team or revoking its access) will affect the entire repository's performance for a certain amount of time.

Question: What is the maximum number of merge conflict resolutions that can be achieved within a span of one hour given these constraints?

The first step is to analyze and understand which teams can work on resolving each issue based on their abilities, and the potential conflicts between them. This means we need to calculate the maximum number of team switches per issue considering their individual limits for handling merge conflicts, in order not to introduce new issues due to conflicting solutions or complications resulting from simultaneous involvement by two different teams.

After that, we can determine the maximum number of issues resolved within one hour based on these restrictions. Since the total resolution time is limited to 60 minutes and each team takes 30-45 seconds per issue to resolve a conflict (as given in the conversation), this would allow you to work on a maximum of approximately 10-12 conflicts an hour if only two teams are involved (assuming each team's capabilities follow similar patterns). For more than 2 simultaneous issues, consider the limit set by the involvement of conflicting teams, which leads to lower efficiency. Hence, resolving a single conflict could be made within 1-2 hours based on these circumstances.

Answer: The maximum number of merge conflicts that can be resolved within one hour would depend on the number and complexity of issues in the repository, the skills of the involved teams, as well as any simultaneous involvement between conflicting teams. This scenario offers a good estimate for handling multiple conflict situations concurrently, but it may need adjustments based on the specifics of the situation.

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Grade: F

Resolving merge conflicts in Git involves identifying conflicting lines of code and choosing one to merge into your repository. To resolve merge conflicts in Git, you can use the "git add ." command to add any modified or deleted files to your staging area. Once you have added any modified or deleted files to your staging area, you can use the "git commit -m 'Commit message'" command to commit your changes to your repository. Finally, once you have committed your changes to your repository, you can use the "git merge --no-commit ." command to merge any new or modified files into your repository without automatically committing those changes to your repository.