How to detect iPhone 5 (widescreen devices)?

asked12 years ago
last updated4 years ago
viewed155.7k times
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I've just upgraded to Xcode 4.5 GM and found out that you can now apply the '4" Retina' size to your view controller in the storyboard. Now if I want to create an application that runs on both iPhone 4 and 5, of course I have to build every window twice, but I also have to detect whether the user has an iPhone with 3.5" or 4" screen and then apply the view. How should I do that?

12 Answers

Up Vote9Down Vote

First of all, you shouldn't rebuild all your views to fit a new screen, nor use different views for different screen sizes.

Use the capabilities of iOS, so your views can adjust, and adapt any screen size.

That's not very hard, read some documentation about that. It will save you a lot of time.

iOS 6 also offers new features about this. Be sure to read the iOS 6 API changelog on Apple Developer website. And check the new iOS 6 AutoLayout capabilities.

That said, if you really need to detect the iPhone 5, you can simply rely on the screen size.

[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height

The iPhone 5's screen has a height of 568. You can imagine a macro, to simplify all of this:

#define IS_IPHONE_5 ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height - ( double )568 ) < DBL_EPSILON )

The use of fabs with the epsilon is here to prevent precision errors, when comparing floating points, as pointed in the comments by H2CO3.

So from now on you can use it in standard if/else statements:

if( IS_IPHONE_5 )

As stated by some people, this does only , not an actual iPhone 5.

Next versions of the iPod touch will maybe also have such a screen, so we may use another set of macros.

Let's rename the original macro IS_WIDESCREEN:

#define IS_WIDESCREEN ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height - ( double )568 ) < DBL_EPSILON )

And let's add model detection macros:

#define IS_IPHONE ( [ [ [ UIDevice currentDevice ] model ] isEqualToString: @"iPhone" ] )
#define IS_IPOD   ( [ [ [ UIDevice currentDevice ] model ] isEqualToString: @"iPod touch" ] )

This way, we can ensure we have an iPhone model a widescreen, and we can redefine the IS_IPHONE_5 macro:


Also note that, as stated by @LearnCocos2D, this macros won't work if the application is not optimised for the iPhone 5 screen (missing the Default-568h@2x.png image), as the screen size will still be 320x480 in such a case.

I don't think this may be an issue, as I don't see why we would want to detect an iPhone 5 in a non-optimized app.

On iOS 8, the bounds property of the UIScreen class now reflects the . So obviously, the previous code won't work out of the box.

In order to fix this, you can simply use the new nativeBounds property, instead of bounds, as it won't change with the orientation, and as it's based on a portrait-up mode. Note that dimensions of nativeBounds is measured in pixels, so for an iPhone 5 the height will be instead of 568.

If you're also targeting iOS 7 or lower, be sure to use feature detection, as calling nativeBounds prior to iOS 8 will crash your app:

if( [ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] respondsToSelector: @selector( nativeBounds ) ] )
    /* Detect using nativeBounds - iOS 8 and greater */
    /* Detect using bounds - iOS 7 and lower */

You can adapt the previous macros the following way:

#define IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS7 ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height - ( double )568 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
#define IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS8 ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] nativeBounds ].size.height - ( double )1136 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
#define IS_WIDESCREEN      ( ( [ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] respondsToSelector: @selector( nativeBounds ) ] ) ? IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS8 : IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS7 )

And obviously, if you need to detect an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, use the corresponding screen sizes.

Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

Step 1: Use the UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom macro to determine the screen size

if UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom == .iphone5 {
    // User has an iPhone 5
} else if UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom == .iphone5_Retina {
    // User has an iPhone 5 (widescreen)
} else if UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom == .iphone4 {
    // User has an iPhone 4
} else {
    // User has another device

Step 2: Apply the appropriate view controller size based on the screen size

if user has an iPhone 5 or 5 (widescreen) {
    // Instantiate a view controller with the "4" Retina size
} else if user has an iPhone 4 {
    // Instantiate a view controller with the "3.5" inch size


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        if UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom == .iphone5 {
            print("User has an iPhone 5")
        } else if UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom == .iphone5_Retina {
            print("User has an iPhone 5 (widescreen)")
        } else if UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom == .iphone4 {
            print("User has an iPhone 4")
        } else {
            print("User has another device")


User has an iPhone 5 (widescreen)


  • UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom is available in the Foundation framework.
  • You can use the else if statements to handle other device types.
  • It's recommended to use the UI_USER_INTERFACE_ idiom macro instead of checking the device model directly, as it's more future-proof.
Up Vote9Down Vote
Grade: A

In iOS 4.0 and later, you can use the bounds property of the UIScreen class to determine the size of the screen. The bounds property is a CGRect structure that describes the screen’s bounds rectangle, which is specified in points. The origin of this rectangle is always (0, 0), and the size of the rectangle is the screen’s size in points.

Here is a simple way to detect if the device has a 3.5” or 4” screen:

CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
if(screenSize.height == 568)
    // We have a 4" screen (iPhone 5)
    // We have a 3.5" screen (iPhone 4/4S)

In iOS 6.0 and later, you can also use the traitCollection property of the UIViewController class to detect the screen size. This property provides a more flexible way to handle screen size and other interface idiom changes.

if (self.traitCollection.verticalSizeClass == UIUserInterfaceSizeClassRegular)
    // We have a 4" screen (iPhone 5 or later)
    // We have a 3.5" screen (iPhone 4S or earlier)

Remember to import the UIKit framework in your source code to use these classes and methods.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

After detecting the screen size, you can apply the appropriate view to your view controller accordingly.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

You can detect the device screen size and use if-else statements to determine whether the user has an iPhone with 3.5" or 4" screen. Then, you can apply the view. To get the device screen size, use code like this in your viewDidLoad method:

let screenHeight = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.height
let screenWidth = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width

Then you can create two view controllers (one for each device), and load one depending on the value of screenWidth and screenHeight:

if screenHeight == 568 {
} else if screenHeight > 568 {
Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B
// get the height of the screen in pixels
CGFloat screenHeight = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height;

// check if the screen is 4 inches or greater
BOOL is4InchScreen = (screenHeight >= 568.0);

if (is4InchScreen) {
    // apply the '4" Retina' size to your view controller
} else {
    // apply the '3.5" Retina' size to your view controller
Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

Sure, here's how you can detect the screen size of the iPhone 5:

1. Use the UIScreen class

The UIScreen class provides properties that you can use to get information about the screen size, including the width and height. You can use the following properties to determine the screen size:

  • width
  • height
  • scale
  • orientation

2. Detect the screen size of the iPhone 5

If the user has an iPhone 5, the screen size will be 4 inches. You can use the following code to check the screen size:

UIScreen *screen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
float width = screen.width;
float height = screen.height;
if (width == 4) {
  // iPhone 5 screen size

3. Apply the view controller for iPhone 5

If the user has an iPhone 5, you can use the following code to apply the view controller:

UIWindow *window = [[UIWindow alloc];
window.rootViewController = yourViewController];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];

This code creates a new window with the same root view controller as your existing view controller and makes it the key window. The window is then made visible.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

To detect if an iPhone runs on a 3.5-inch or 4-inch screen (iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 respectively), you can check the [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height property in your application's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:

  1. Import UIKit: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

  2. In your application delegate, override the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:

-(BOOL)application:(nonnull UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions {
    [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];
    CGFloat screenHeight = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height;
    if (screenHeight == 480) {
        // iPhone 4, or any other device with 3.5-inch screen
    } else if (screenHeight == 568) {
        // iPhone 5, or any other device with 4-inch screen
    // Your logic for applying the appropriate view controller based on the screen height

    return YES;

Make sure to replace your own application-specific code in the comment block. This will help you differentiate between iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 by checking their respective screen sizes, and then you can set up the appropriate view controllers accordingly.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

In Objective-C you can use the following code snippet in viewDidLoad method of your ViewController to check device type and size:

- (void) viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
    if(screenSize.height == 568){ //iphone 5, since it has the "4" size as well
        //Your code to handle iPhone 5 specific functionality goes here
       //This means device is not an iPhone 5, you can use normal screen size checks in here too (3.5" iPhones for instance)

The method bounds provides the rectangle area of the view that includes any interface elements added to it as a child views. You just need to access this through UIScreen's mainScreen. That allows you to identify the screen size and therefore the device type you are working with.

Also, don’t forget to set the Base SDK appropriately in Xcode project settings so it is set to latest iOS version your app supports. This helps to ensure that the new screen sizes get detected accurately by the code snippet above.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

First of all, you shouldn't rebuild all your views to fit a new screen, nor use different views for different screen sizes.

Use the capabilities of iOS, so your views can adjust, and adapt any screen size.

That's not very hard, read some documentation about that. It will save you a lot of time.

iOS 6 also offers new features about this. Be sure to read the iOS 6 API changelog on Apple Developer website. And check the new iOS 6 AutoLayout capabilities.

That said, if you really need to detect the iPhone 5, you can simply rely on the screen size.

[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height

The iPhone 5's screen has a height of 568. You can imagine a macro, to simplify all of this:

#define IS_IPHONE_5 ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height - ( double )568 ) < DBL_EPSILON )

The use of fabs with the epsilon is here to prevent precision errors, when comparing floating points, as pointed in the comments by H2CO3.

So from now on you can use it in standard if/else statements:

if( IS_IPHONE_5 )

As stated by some people, this does only , not an actual iPhone 5.

Next versions of the iPod touch will maybe also have such a screen, so we may use another set of macros.

Let's rename the original macro IS_WIDESCREEN:

#define IS_WIDESCREEN ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height - ( double )568 ) < DBL_EPSILON )

And let's add model detection macros:

#define IS_IPHONE ( [ [ [ UIDevice currentDevice ] model ] isEqualToString: @"iPhone" ] )
#define IS_IPOD   ( [ [ [ UIDevice currentDevice ] model ] isEqualToString: @"iPod touch" ] )

This way, we can ensure we have an iPhone model a widescreen, and we can redefine the IS_IPHONE_5 macro:


Also note that, as stated by @LearnCocos2D, this macros won't work if the application is not optimised for the iPhone 5 screen (missing the Default-568h@2x.png image), as the screen size will still be 320x480 in such a case.

I don't think this may be an issue, as I don't see why we would want to detect an iPhone 5 in a non-optimized app.

On iOS 8, the bounds property of the UIScreen class now reflects the . So obviously, the previous code won't work out of the box.

In order to fix this, you can simply use the new nativeBounds property, instead of bounds, as it won't change with the orientation, and as it's based on a portrait-up mode. Note that dimensions of nativeBounds is measured in pixels, so for an iPhone 5 the height will be instead of 568.

If you're also targeting iOS 7 or lower, be sure to use feature detection, as calling nativeBounds prior to iOS 8 will crash your app:

if( [ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] respondsToSelector: @selector( nativeBounds ) ] )
    /* Detect using nativeBounds - iOS 8 and greater */
    /* Detect using bounds - iOS 7 and lower */

You can adapt the previous macros the following way:

#define IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS7 ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height - ( double )568 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
#define IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS8 ( fabs( ( double )[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] nativeBounds ].size.height - ( double )1136 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
#define IS_WIDESCREEN      ( ( [ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] respondsToSelector: @selector( nativeBounds ) ] ) ? IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS8 : IS_WIDESCREEN_IOS7 )

And obviously, if you need to detect an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, use the corresponding screen sizes.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

To detect whether the user has an iPhone with 3.5" or 4" screen and then apply the view, you can use a combination of device detection using NSFoundation class, and customizing your view controller based on device information. Here is some sample code that demonstrates how to use NSFoundation class to detect devices and then customize your view controller based on device information:

import Foundation

// MARK: - Device Detection

func detectDevice() {
    let device = UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate() as? AnyClass ?? ""

    switch(device) {
        case "iPhone":
            print("Detected an iPhone.")
        case "iPad":
            print("Detected an iPad.")

// MARK: - Customization

func customizeViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController)) {
    let device = UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate() as? AnyClass ?? ""

    switch(device) {
        case "iPhone":
            viewController.title = "iPhone 5" // Replace with the appropriate title for your view controller.
        case "iPad":
            viewController.title = "iPad Pro" // Replace with the appropriate title for your view controller.

// MARK: - Usage

let deviceDetector = detectDevice()

deviceDetector customizationExample() { customizeViewController(viewController: UIViewController())) }

In this example, we use a combination of device detection using NSFoundation class, and customizing your view controller based on device information to detect devices and then customize your view controller based on device information. We achieve this by creating two methods within our deviceDetector object: detectDevice() and customizeViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController))).

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568) {
    // iPhone 5
} else {
    // iPhone 4 or older
Up Vote0Down Vote
Grade: F

You can detect if a device is an iPhone 5 (with or without Retina display) by checking the version number of the device's iOS software. Here are some steps you can follow to do so:

  1. Open iCal, which contains a list of all installed apps on your Mac.
  2. Search for "AIM" in iCal and locate any app that was installed before August 31st, 2019, or is associated with AIM. This includes AIM Messenger Lite.
  3. Open the "Apple Support" page on your Mac's Safari browser:
  4. Scroll down to the section titled "Checking Device Information". Here you will find a list of devices that are compatible with iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 (including models without Retina display).
  5. Check the "Device ID" column for your Mac's built-in camera device. If the ID matches an iOS version number, then it is safe to assume that this is indeed an iPhone 5 or an iPhone 4.
  6. To confirm if the model of your built-in camera matches a Retina display iPhone 5 (with iOS 9), you can use this command in any text editor:

  1. This will search for an exact match of the "Screen" and ".iif?" keywords, followed by a decimal point (or omitted if it is not present) and ending with the file extension '.iif'. If the command finds any matches on your system that start with 'screen', it is likely an iPhone 5.
  2. Once you have confirmed that your built-in camera is compatible with an iOS 9 device, you can use this script to apply the "4" Retina size:

  1. This script will import the Objective-C library "biblioperformance/documentation" and get the size of an object with a Retina display by setting "get_size_of_object: -1". You can use this as follows:
  2. Here's an example command you could use in your terminal to run the script on all images in your current folder:

  1. If you're using any other image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or CorelPaintShop, the process may be a bit different and not include Objective-C commands. However, by following the above steps, you should have all the necessary information to detect if your built-in camera supports a Retina display.