Guaranteed yielding with pthread_cond_wait and pthread_cond_signal

asked15 years ago
last updated15 years ago
viewed1.9k times
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Assuming I have a C program with 3 POSIX threads, sharing a global variable, mutex, and condition variable, two of which are executing the following psuedocode:

...process data...
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
variable = data_ptr;
pthread_cond_signal( &cond );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

And the third running:

while(1) {
    while( variable == NULL ) {
        pthread_mutex_wait( &cond, &mutex );
    printf( "Data is %d", *variable );

Is it safe to assume that the third thread will see the data from each of the first two?

Put a different way, if a thread is wating on a mutex and a condition variable, is it safe to assume that it will be the next one to get the lock if it is signaled, rather than some other thread that may be waiting on the lock?

12 Answers

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There's no such thing as pthread_mutex_wait. I assume you mean:

/* ... */
while (1) {
  while (variable == NULL)
    pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
  printf("Data is %d", *variable);
/* ... */

There is no guarentee that the third thread will see the data from both. pthread_cond_signal will awaken the third thread, but it may not take the mutex immediately. One of the other writers may take the mutex first. However you can acheive what you want with a bit more work:

void put(int *p) {
  while (variable)
    pthread_cond_wait(&cond_empty, &mutex);
  variable = p;

int *get() {
  int *ret;

  while (!variable)
    pthread_cond_wait(&cond_full, &mutex);
  ret = variable;
  variable = NULL;

  return ret;

By explicitly waiting for the variable to be read, we avoid the potential race condition.

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Grade: A

No, you cannot make such an assumption. It is not safe to assume that a waiting thread will acquire its lock in a particular order relative to other waiting threads if they are all signaled simultaneously. This is due to the fact that pthread_cond_wait() places a thread into a "waiting" state until it is awakened by a call to either pthread_cond_signal() or pthread_cond_broadcast(). Once awakened, the waiting thread does not guarantee that its execution will immediately resume following a signal and will depend on various factors like OS scheduler.

When multiple threads are signaled simultaneously using pthread_cond_broadcast(), they can all wake up in any order which leads to undefined behavior if one of these wakes up holding the mutex while other is still waiting (which should be locked). The key point here is that you do not know what will happen as different OSs/implementations handle such conditions differently.

However, it is safe for the third thread to get the lock after a pthread_cond_wait() if another thread has called pthread_cond_signal(). This doesn't mean the signaled thread will acquire the mutex first; the guarantee only stands for subsequent calls of pthread_cond_wait() in other threads.

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Grade: A

Yes, it is safe to assume that the third thread will see the data from each of the first two.

The pthread_cond_wait function atomically releases the mutex and waits for the condition variable to be signaled. When the condition variable is signaled, the thread that called pthread_cond_wait is guaranteed to be the next thread to acquire the mutex.

This means that the third thread will only be able to access the data after the first two threads have both acquired and released the mutex, ensuring that the data is valid.

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Grade: A


Yes, your assumptions are safe in this case.

Here's why:

  1. Mutex exclusivity:

    • The mutex &mutex prevents multiple threads from accessing the shared variable variable simultaneously.
    • Only one thread can acquire the lock at a time, ensuring exclusive access to the variable.
  2. Condition variable signal:

    • When a thread unlocks the mutex and signals the condition variable &cond, it indicates that the shared variable has been updated.
    • Any waiting thread on pthread_cond_wait with the mutex &mutex acquired will see the signal and be ready to acquire the lock.

Therefore, in this scenario, the third thread will be the next one to acquire the lock and print the updated data from the shared variable, assuming the first two threads have already completed their operations and signaled the condition variable.

Additional notes:

  • This code uses a common pattern for synchronization between threads using mutex and condition variables.
  • The pthread_cond_wait function blocks the current thread until the condition variable becomes signaled or the thread is interrupted.
  • Once the thread acquires the lock and sees the signal, it will proceed to print the data, ensuring that the data is consistent and accurate.

Therefore, in conclusion:

The provided code is safe because of the proper use of mutex and condition variable. The third thread will be the next one to acquire the lock and print the updated data, provided that the first two threads have completed their operations and signaled the condition variable.

Up Vote8Down Vote
Grade: B

No, it is not safe to assume that the third thread will always see the data from the first two threads.

Here's why:

  • Race conditions: There's a possibility that another thread might acquire the mutex and modify the variable before the third thread gets a chance to see it.
  • Spurious wakeups: pthread_cond_signal() can wake up multiple threads waiting on the condition variable, even if only one thread should be awakened. This can lead to the third thread not being the first to see the updated variable.

Here's a safer approach:

  1. Use pthread_cond_broadcast(): Instead of pthread_cond_signal(), use pthread_cond_broadcast(). This will wake up all threads waiting on the condition variable, ensuring that the third thread has a chance to acquire the mutex and access the data.

  2. Check the condition after waking up: After the third thread is woken up, it should re-check the condition (variable != NULL) inside the loop. This ensures that the third thread only processes the data when it's actually available.

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Grade: B

Yes, it is safe to assume that the third thread will see the data from each of the first two, provided that the condition variable is used correctly in conjunction with the mutex. When a thread calls pthread_cond_signal(), it unblocks one of the threads that are waiting on the condition variable (cond in this case). The signaled thread then competes for the mutex lock as usual, so it's possible that some other thread could acquire the lock first. However, once the signaled thread does acquire the lock, it can be certain that the value of variable has been updated to the new data, because the update and the signaling of the condition variable are both done while holding the mutex lock.

Regarding your second question, yes, it is also safe to assume that the signaled thread will be the next one to get the lock, provided that there are no other threads that could potentially acquire the lock first. This is because when a thread is signaled, it is added to the set of threads that will be contending for the lock, but it doesn't mean that it will be the next one to get the lock. It will have to compete for the lock like any other thread.

Here's a simplified version of the code with some debug prints to illustrate the order of execution:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int variable;

void *routine(void *arg) {
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
    variable = (int) arg;
    printf("updated variable with arg %d\n", variable);
    pthread_cond_signal( &cond );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

int main() {
    pthread_t t1, t2;

    pthread_create(&t1, NULL, routine, (void *) 10);
    pthread_create(&t2, NULL, routine, (void *) 20);

    while(1) {
        pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
        while( variable == 0 ) {
            pthread_cond_wait( &cond, &mutex );
        printf( "Data is %d\n", variable );

    return 0;

In this example, two threads are created, each updating the global variable with their respective arguments, signaling the condition variable, and then unlocking the mutex. The main thread is waiting on the condition variable and printing the value of the global variable when it becomes available. You can observe that the order of the printf statements will reflect the order in which the threads execute.

Up Vote7Down Vote
Grade: B

There's no such thing as pthread_mutex_wait. I assume you mean:

/* ... */
while (1) {
  while (variable == NULL)
    pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
  printf("Data is %d", *variable);
/* ... */

There is no guarentee that the third thread will see the data from both. pthread_cond_signal will awaken the third thread, but it may not take the mutex immediately. One of the other writers may take the mutex first. However you can acheive what you want with a bit more work:

void put(int *p) {
  while (variable)
    pthread_cond_wait(&cond_empty, &mutex);
  variable = p;

int *get() {
  int *ret;

  while (!variable)
    pthread_cond_wait(&cond_full, &mutex);
  ret = variable;
  variable = NULL;

  return ret;

By explicitly waiting for the variable to be read, we avoid the potential race condition.

Up Vote6Down Vote
Grade: B

It is not safe to assume that the third thread will see the data from each of the first two. The pthread_cond_wait() function will atomically unlock the mutex and then block until it is signaled by another thread. However, there are no guarantees about which thread will be woken up next. In other words, there is no guarantee that the third thread will be the next one to get the lock if it is signaled.

In order to ensure that the data is properly synchronized between threads, you should use a technique called "atomic updates" or "memory barriers." These techniques ensure that all threads see the most up-to-date value of the shared variable, even if they are running on different cores or nodes in a distributed system.

One way to implement atomic updates is to use a lockless data structure like an std::atomic<int>. Another option is to use a mutex or other synchronization primitive to protect the shared variable and ensure that all threads see the most up-to-date value when accessing it.

It's also worth noting that the condition variable in the example is unnecessary, since the thread can simply check the value of variable directly without needing to block on a conditional variable. However, if you are using a conditional variable for other purposes, such as signalling multiple waiting threads or implementing a different synchronization strategy, then it may be necessary to use the condition variable in this way.

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Grade: B

Yes, it is safe to assume that the third thread will see the updated data from each of the first two threads if they follow the pattern you have described.

The reason for this is that the condition variable pthread_cond and mutex pthread_mutex_t are protected by the same lock, which is &mutex. The pthread_cond_signal call wakes up one thread waiting on the condition variable, and the awakened thread will acquire the mutex lock before continuing execution. Since the third thread is waiting for both the mutex and the condition variable, it will acquire the mutex lock when it calls pthread_mutex_wait, and will then see the updated value of the shared variable when it continues its execution after the pthread_cond_wait call.

Regarding your second question: Yes, if a thread is waiting on a condition variable protected by a mutex, it is safe to assume that it will be the next one to get the lock if it is signaled, rather than some other thread that may be waiting on the lock. This is because when a thread signals a condition variable, it does so by calling pthread_cond_signal or pthread_cond_broadcast, which wakes up one (or all) thread(s) waiting on the condition variable and changes their state from PTHREAD_COND_ Waiting to PTHREAD_COND_ Unlocked. When a thread is signaled, it will acquire the mutex lock before continuing execution, so any other threads that may be waiting on the lock will not be able to continue until the first thread has released the lock.

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Grade: C

Yes, it's safe to assume that the third thread will see the data from each of the first two threads. In fact, this behavior is expected by the operating system, which ensures that multiple threads can safely access shared resources.

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Grade: D

No, the third thread cannot safely assume that it will see the data from each of the first two threads.

The order of operations between threads accessing the global variable variable and the conditional variable cond is not guaranteed by the POSIX standard. This means that the third thread may see an outdated value of variable or miss an opportunity to acquire the mutex.

The third thread can be preempted by a thread that acquires the mutex and is signaled before the condition variable is set. When the mutex is released, the preempted thread may continue execution without the chance to see the updated value of variable.

Therefore, it is not safe to assume that the third thread will see the data from each of the first two threads.

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Grade: F

Generally, it is safe to assume that a thread will see the data from each of the previous threads. However, this assumption relies heavily on the correctness and proper synchronization of the code being executed. If there are any errors in the code or incorrect use of mutexes and condition variables, the behavior can become unpredictable and may result in race conditions or other issues.

In your example, if the third thread is executing while(1) {...}, it will continue to wait until the second thread completes its block with pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex ) and variable = data_ptr;. Once that occurs, the first thread may call pthread_cond_signal( &cond ); to signal that it has finished using the mutex. The third thread can then proceed with the conditional wait while the second thread holds the lock on mutex.

After the condition is released by the second thread, it can unlock the mutex with pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex ). This should allow the third thread to continue executing and read the value stored in variable, which was initialized to point to data_ptr. However, if there are any further errors or incorrect synchronization of the code, the behavior may be unpredictable and the assumption of seeing the data from each previous thread may not hold true.

It is important to properly understand how mutexes and condition variables work in C and ensure that the code is correctly synchronized and error-free. Additionally, using additional synchronization techniques such as semaphores or wait/notify/wakeup can improve concurrency and prevent issues with race conditions.