Sharing DTOs between my API, Blazor web app and WPF client

asked15 days ago
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I have recently been revisiting a project from a year ago where I had an ASP.NET web API and a WPF client. The WPF client would call the API and each project had a separate models folder where I duplicated the DTOs.

Is there a better way of doing this? I have seen people use a shared class library for their DTOs. Is there a recommended project structure or any best practices for naming this shared class library?

Additionally, I would like to add a Blazor server project to my solution which will be able to interact with my database in addition to my API. Can I move my services out into a class library as well and use it in both projects? Are there any best practices surrounding this, or am I best learning something like clean architecture?

9 Answers

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Grade: A

Project Structure & DTO Sharing

1. Shared DTO Class Library:

  • Absolutely! Creating a shared class library for DTOs is a recommended best practice. This eliminates duplication and promotes code reuse across projects.
  • Naming convention: ProjectName.Shared.Models or Shared.DomainModels are common choices.

2. Implementing the Shared Library:

  • Create a new class library project in your solution.
  • Define your DTO classes in this library.
  • Ensure proper assembly references are added to your web API and WPF client projects.

3. Code Example:

// Shared DTO Class Library
public class UserDto
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

// Web API Project
public class UserController : ControllerBase
    public ActionResult<UserDto> GetUsers()
        // ... logic to retrieve users and return UserDto

// WPF Client Project
public void LoadUsers()
    var users = _apiClient.GetUserDtos();
    // ... logic to bind users to UI elements

Shared Services

1. Moving Services:

  • Absolutely! Moving services to a shared class library is a great way to centralize logic and promote reuse.

2. Best Practices:

  • Create a separate class library for services.
  • Define interfaces for your services to ensure flexibility and testability.
  • Implement concrete services in the library or project that uses them.

3. Code Example:

// Shared Service Class Library
public interface IUserService
    Task<List<UserDto>> GetUsersAsync();

// Web API Project
public class UserService : IUserService
    // ... implementation logic

// Blazor Server Project
public class UsersService : IUserService
    // ... implementation logic specific to Blazor Server

4. Clean Architecture:

  • Clean Architecture recommends separating your application into layers: presentation, business logic, and data access.
  • This approach promotes modularity and maintainability.


  • Implementing clean architecture with shared DTOs and services is considered a best practice for large and complex projects.
  • This approach enhances reusability, maintainability, and scalability.
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Grade: A

It's great that you're looking to improve your project structure and make it more maintainable and efficient. Using a shared class library for your DTOs is indeed a common practice in multi-project solutions. This approach helps reduce code duplication, keeps the data structures consistent across projects, and makes it easier to manage changes.

To create a shared class library for your DTOs, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Class Library project in Visual Studio or any other preferred IDE. Name it appropriately, such as "MyProject.Shared" or "MyProject.Common".
  2. Move all the DTO classes from both projects (API and WPF) into this shared library project.
  3. Set the project as a reference for both your API and WPF projects.
  4. Update any using directives in your API and WPF projects to point to the new shared library project.

As for naming conventions, you can follow the pattern "MyProject.Common" or "MyProject.Shared" as suggested above. Alternatively, you could use a more descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the library, such as "MyProject.DataTransferObjects".

Regarding your second question, yes, you can move your services into a separate class library and use it in both projects (API and Blazor). This approach is known as "Dependency Injection" and is a common practice in modern software development. By doing this, you'll be able to keep your business logic separated from the UI layer and make your code more testable and maintainable.

To create a shared class library for your services:

  1. Create a new Class Library project in Visual Studio or any other preferred IDE. Name it appropriately, such as "MyProject.Services" or "MyProject.BusinessLogic".
  2. Move all the service classes from both projects (API and WPF) into this shared library project.
  3. Set up Dependency Injection in your API and Blazor projects to use the services from the shared library. You can use popular DI frameworks like Autofac, Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection or SimpleInjector for this purpose.
  4. Update any using directives in your API and Blazor projects to point to the new shared library project.

As you're considering learning Clean Architecture, it would be a good idea to implement it in your solution as it promotes separation of concerns, testability, and maintainability. You can start by separating your UI layer from the business logic and infrastructure layers using interfaces and dependency injection. This will help you build loosely coupled components that are easier to test and maintain.

Here's a high-level overview of implementing Clean Architecture in your solution:

  1. Separate your projects into distinct layers: UI, Business Logic (Services), Domain (Entities and DTOs), and Infrastructure (Data Access).
  2. Implement Dependency Injection to inject dependencies between the layers.
  3. Use interfaces to define contracts between the layers.
  4. Keep each layer focused on its specific responsibility.
  5. Test each layer independently using unit tests, integration tests, or both.
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Grade: A

Yes, you're on the right track! It is a common and better practice to have a separate shared class library for Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and Service Layers. This way, you can reuse your DTOs and services across multiple projects, reducing code duplication and increasing maintainability.

For the naming of this shared class library, you could follow these conventions:

  • {YourCompanyName}.{YourProjectName}.Contracts
  • {YourCompanyName}.{YourProjectName}.Common
  • {YourCompanyName}.{YourProjectName}.Core
  • {YourCompanyName}.{YourProjectName}.Shared

Choose a name that makes the most sense for your project and organization.

Here's an example of how you can structure your solution:

  • YourSolutionName
    • YourApiProjectName (ASP.NET Web API)
      • Controllers
      • Models (DTOs specific to this project, if any)
      • Services (API-specific services, if any)
    • YourSharedLibraryName (Class Library)
      • DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)
      • Services (Common services and interfaces)
    • YourWpfProjectName (WPF Client)
      • Views
      • ViewModels
      • Models (DTOs specific to this project, if any)
      • Services (Client-specific services that depend on the shared service interfaces)
    • YourBlazorServerProjectName (Blazor Server Project)
      • Pages
      • Components
      • Models (DTOs specific to this project, if any)
      • Services (Server-specific services that depend on the shared service interfaces)

For Blazor server project interaction with your database and API, you can move your services out into a class library. This way, both your Blazor Server project and WPF client can interact with the same services. You can follow these best practices:

  • Define interfaces for your services in the shared class library (e.g., I lmplService)
  • Implement those interfaces in separate projects for each client technology (WPF, Blazor)
  • Register and inject your services using dependency injection

As you mentioned, learning about Clean Architecture is also a good idea. It's a software design pattern that can help you create maintainable and scalable applications by separating concerns and promoting testability. Some popular resources for learning Clean Architecture include:

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Grade: A

Yes, using a shared class library for your DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) is an excellent way to maintain consistency across multiple projects. Here's a recommended project structure and some best practices:

  1. Shared Class Library Structure:

    • Create a new Class Library Project in Visual Studio or any other IDE you prefer.
    • Name the library something like "SharedDTOs" for clarity.
    • Organize your DTOs into namespaces that reflect their purpose, such as Models, Domain, and API. For example:
      namespace MyProject.SharedDTOs.Models
          public class UserDto
              // Properties...
      namespace MyProject.SharedDTOs.Domain
          public class UserEntity
              // Domain model properties...
      namespace MyProject.SharedDTOs.API
          public class ApiUserDto : UserDto
              // API-specific DTO properties...
    • This structure allows you to have a clear separation between your domain models, API models, and shared DTOs.
  2. Using the Shared Class Library in Your Projects:

    • In both your ASP.NET Web API project and WPF client application, reference the "SharedDTOs" library.
    • Use the DTO classes from this library to represent data sent between clients and servers or within different layers of your applications.
  3. Adding a Blazor Server Project:

    • Create a new Blazor Server Web Application project in Visual Studio.
    • Reference both the "SharedDTOs" class library and any other necessary libraries (e.g., Entity Framework Core).
    • You can move your services into another shared class library, such as Services, to maintain separation of concerns:
      namespace MyProject.SharedDTOs.Services
          public interface IUserService
              // Service methods...
          public class UserService : IUserService
              // Implement service methods using the DTOs and database access code...
    • In your Blazor Server project, you can then use this shared library to implement services that interact with both the API and the database.
  4. Best Practices:

    • Keep your class libraries focused on specific concerns (e.g., DTOs, domain models, services). This helps maintain a clean separation of responsibilities in your codebase.
    • Use consistent naming conventions for namespaces and classes to improve readability and understanding across the team.
    • Consider adopting design patterns like Dependency Injection (DI) or Clean Architecture as you continue developing your projects, which can help further organize and decouple your components.

By following these recommendations, you'll have a well-organized codebase that is easier to maintain and extend in the future.

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Grade: B

Sharing DTOs between ASP.NET Web API and WPF Client

Using a Shared Class Library for DTOs

Yes, using a shared class library for your DTOs is a recommended approach. This promotes code reuse, maintainability, and consistency across your projects. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Create a new Class Library project: Name it something like Shared.Dto or Common.Models.
  2. Add your DTO classes: Move your existing DTOs from both the API and WPF projects to this shared library.
  3. Reference the library: Add a reference to the Shared.Dto project in both your API and WPF projects.
  4. Use the DTOs: In your API and WPF projects, reference the DTO classes from the shared library.

This way, any changes to the DTOs will only need to be made in one place, and both projects will automatically use the updated version.

Project Structure and Naming

There's no single "best" way to structure your projects, but here are some common approaches:

  • Solution:
    • MySolution.Api (ASP.NET Web API project)
    • MySolution.Client (WPF client project)
    • MySolution.Shared.Dto (Shared DTO class library)
    • MySolution.Blazor (Blazor server project)
  • Naming:
    • Use descriptive names that reflect the purpose of the project.
    • Consider using consistent naming conventions across your projects.

Adding Blazor Server and Sharing Services

Moving Services to a Class Library

Yes, you can move your services to a separate class library and use them in both your API and Blazor projects. This promotes separation of concerns and improves code organization. Here's how:

  1. Create a new Class Library project: Name it something like Shared.Services or Common.Logic.
  2. Move your services: Move your existing services from the API project to this shared library.
  3. Reference the library: Add a reference to the Shared.Services project in both your API and Blazor projects.
  4. Use the services: In your API and Blazor projects, inject and use the services from the shared library.

Best Practices and Clean Architecture

While using a shared class library for services is a good practice, consider exploring Clean Architecture principles for larger and more complex applications. Clean Architecture emphasizes separation of concerns and promotes loosely coupled, testable, and maintainable code.


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Grade: B

For an efficient C# implementation of AABB/triangle intersection algorithms, you can consider porting the Moller's approach to C#. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Understanding Moller's Approach:

  2. Porting Moller's Approach to C#:

    • Start by creating a C# class that represents a triangle and an AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Box).
    • Implement the Moller's algorithm logic in C# by translating the C++ code to C#.
    • You may need to adjust data types, syntax, and libraries used in the C++ code to their C# equivalents.
    • Be mindful of any potential differences in how C++ and C# handle floating-point calculations.
  3. Testing and Validation:

    • Create test cases to validate your C# implementation against known AABB/triangle intersection scenarios to ensure correctness.
    • You can use sample data with known results to verify that your ported C# version produces the same outcomes as the original C++ implementation.
  4. Optimization (Optional):

    • Once you have a working C# implementation, you can consider optimizing the code for performance if needed.
    • Profile the code to identify any bottlenecks and optimize critical sections using C# best practices.
  5. Additional Resources:

    • If you prefer a different approach, you can explore the C# implementation provided by the C++ library by Mike Vandelay: C++ library by Mike Vandelay.
    • Look for existing C# libraries or implementations that offer AABB/triangle intersection algorithms to speed up your development process.

By following these steps, you should be able to efficiently port Moller's AABB/triangle intersection algorithm to C# for your application. Remember to test thoroughly and optimize as needed for your specific use case.

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Grade: B

A great question!

Shared DTOs

Yes, using a shared class library for your DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) is a common pattern. This approach helps to avoid duplication and makes it easier to maintain consistency across multiple projects.

For the naming of the shared class library, you can follow these guidelines:

  1. Use a prefix that indicates it's a shared library, such as Shared, Common, or Infrastructure.
  2. Keep the name concise and descriptive, e.g., MyApp.Dto or MyApp.Models.

Project Structure

For your ASP.NET Web API, WPF client, and Blazor server projects, consider the following project structure:

  1. MyApp (Solution)
    • Api (Web API project)
    • Client (WPF client project)
    • Server (Blazor server project)
    • Shared (Class library for shared DTOs and possibly other reusable code)

This structure keeps each project focused on its specific responsibilities, while the Shared project contains code that can be used across multiple projects.

Services in a Class Library

Yes, you can move your services out into a class library and use it in both your API and Blazor server projects. This approach is known as a "Service Layer" or "Business Logic Layer".

To do this:

  1. Create a new class library project (e.g., MyApp.Services) that contains your services.
  2. Move the service classes from your API and Blazor server projects into the MyApp.Services project.
  3. In your API and Blazor server projects, reference the MyApp.Services project and use its services.

Best Practices

When designing your shared class library and service layer:

  1. Keep the scope of each project focused on its specific responsibilities.
  2. Use interfaces to define contracts for services and data access.
  3. Implement services using concrete classes that implement these interfaces.
  4. Consider using a dependency injection framework (e.g., Autofac, Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) to manage dependencies between projects.

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture is an architectural pattern that emphasizes separation of concerns, testability, and maintainability. It's not necessarily required for your specific scenario, but it can be a useful framework for designing your system.

In Clean Architecture:

  1. Define interfaces for data access and services.
  2. Implement these interfaces using concrete classes in a separate layer (e.g., Infrastructure).
  3. Use dependency injection to manage dependencies between layers.

While you don't necessarily need Clean Architecture for your scenario, it can be a useful framework for designing your system and ensuring separation of concerns.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Grade: B

It's great that you're looking to improve your project structure and make it more maintainable. Here are some suggestions for your questions:

  1. Is there a better way of doing this?

Yes, using a shared class library is a good approach for sharing DTOs between projects. This allows you to have a single source of truth for the data transfer objects, and makes it easier to maintain and update them across multiple projects. You can name your shared class library anything that makes sense for your project, such as "DataTransferObjects" or "DTOs".

  1. Is there a recommended project structure or any best practices for naming this shared class library?

There are no specific project structures or naming conventions for a shared class library, but it's generally a good idea to keep the name simple and descriptive, such as "DataTransferObjects" or "DTOs". You can also consider using a namespace that reflects the purpose of the class library, such as "MyProject.DataTransferObjects".

  1. Can I move my services out into a class library as well and use it in both projects?

Yes, you can definitely move your services to a separate class library and use them in both your ASP.NET web API project and your Blazor server project. This is a good approach for separating concerns and making your code more modular and maintainable. You can name the class library anything that makes sense for your project, such as "Services" or "BusinessLogic".

  1. Are there any best practices surrounding this, or am I best learning something like clean architecture?

There are no specific best practices for using a shared class library for services, but it's generally a good idea to keep your code organized and modular, so that you can easily maintain and update it over time. Clean architecture is a design pattern that emphasizes separating concerns and making your code more flexible and maintainable, but it may not be necessary for every project.

In general, the key is to keep your code organized and easy to understand, and to use best practices that make sense for your specific project.

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Grade: B

Certainly! Here's an efficient C# port of the Moller-Trumbore algorithm for AABB-triangle intersection detection:

public static bool IntersectsAABBTriangle(
    Vector3 aabbMin, Vector3 aabbMax,
    Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
    // Edge vectors
    Vector3 e1 = v1 - v0;
    Vector3 e2 = v2 - v0;

    // Normal vector
    Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(e1, e2);

    // Compute planes
    Plane plane = new Plane(normal, v0);

    // Compute the projection interval radius of the AABB
    // on the plane normal direction
    float r = aabbMax.X * Math.Abs(normal.X) +
              aabbMax.Y * Math.Abs(normal.Y) +
              aabbMax.Z * Math.Abs(normal.Z);

    // Check if the AABB is completely outside the plane
    if (Math.Abs(plane.GetDistanceToPoint(aabbMin)) > r)
        return false;

    // Compute the intersection point of the ray with the plane
    float a = plane.GetDistanceToPoint(aabbMin);
    float b = plane.GetDistanceToPoint(aabbMax);

    // Check if the triangle is within the AABB slab
    if (a * b >= 0)
        return false;

    // Compute the direction vector of the ray and the intersection
    // point of the ray with the plane
    Vector3 dir = Vector3.Normalize(normal);
    float t = -plane.GetDistanceToPoint(v0) / Vector3.Dot(dir, normal);

    // Compute the intersection point
    Vector3 p = v0 + t * dir;

    // Check if the intersection point is within the triangle
    float u, v;
    return PointInTriangle(p, v0, v1, v2, out u, out v);

private static bool PointInTriangle(
    Vector3 p, Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2,
    out float u, out float v)
    Vector3 v0v1 = v1 - v0;
    Vector3 v0v2 = v2 - v0;
    Vector3 v0p = p - v0;

    float d00 = Vector3.Dot(v0v1, v0v1);
    float d01 = Vector3.Dot(v0v1, v0v2);
    float d11 = Vector3.Dot(v0v2, v0v2);
    float d20 = Vector3.Dot(v0p, v0v1);
    float d21 = Vector3.Dot(v0p, v0v2);

    float denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
    if (denom == 0)
        u = v = 0;
        return false;

    u = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom;
    v = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom;

    return (u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && (u + v < 1);

This implementation closely follows the C++ version you referenced, but with a few C#-specific changes:

  1. The IntersectsAABBTriangle method takes the AABB as Vector3 min and max values, and the triangle as three Vector3 vertices.
  2. The PointInTriangle method is a separate helper function that checks if a point is inside a triangle, using barycentric coordinates.
  3. The code uses C# naming conventions and the Vector3 and Plane types from the System.Numerics namespace.

This implementation should provide an efficient and accurate AABB-triangle intersection test in C#. You can use it as a starting point and optimize further if needed.